Castiel x Reader//Fight Me

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Song of choice: Gonna Fly Now-Bill Conti

Imagine: starting a prank war you know you won't win.

It was quiet in the bunker, much too quiet for your taste. Your eyes scanned the library around you, passing over the boys studying books and Cas watching tv. You smiled slightly before looking down at the remote control in your hand.

Twisting knobs you told the little drone to go left, right, and center until he was above Castiel. You pressed the red button and the little drone- Charles- dropped a whole lot of liquidy cookie dough on him.

Sam and Dean laughed whilst Cas just looked confused. Dean quickly turned his head to you whom was walking away quickly. He raises an eyebrow before looking back at Cas.

"Why don't you go get cleaned up in one of the showers." Castiel nodded and got up, walking over to the room he had claimed. You were busy readying for your next step: operation make the black hair pink. You sat in your closet holding a spray bottle full of fish guts and vinegar as you waited for the scream.

Well, the exclamation of confusion. You were being kind of low by pranking the cute little angel, but he ate most of the cookies you made for yourself so he deserved it. However before you could laugh at his gasp, you were drenched in a very sticky cold liquid. Your eyes widened as you put two fingers in it and brought it to your nose.


Lovely, just lovely. This was going to take forever to get out. At least the pink hair dye would wash out within a few days and you could just eat all the cookie dough. You sighed and got out of the closet, water gun in hand and a defeated look on your face.

"Who's the prankster now?" A voice spoke making you look up, bringing your weapon up as well. It was Gabriel. "Nobody messes with my baby brother, nobody."

"Wanna bet whiskey eyes?" You responded, a small smirk coming over your features. He mimicked your smirk as well before leaving with one last statement.

"The war is on sugar." You rolled your eyes and laughed as your door opened and a very pink headed angel walked in. He looked up at you with his baby blues and smiled slightly before frowning in confusion.

"Why am I pink?" You chuckled before bringing him into a hug which took him a few seconds to reciprocate. He mumbled something in your neck and you sighed happily, shivering slightly from the contact of his hot breath to your cold skin.

"You're pink because I switched out your shampoo for pink hair dye." You could feel him nod at your statement before pulling away.

"Thank you?"

THIS IS LATE AGAIN I KNOW IM SORRY!!! But anyways on spectacular news, one of my otps became real. I am so flipping happy. I've just started watching bones a few days ago and one of my otps on there FREAKING GOT TOGETHER AND BROKE MY HUMAN TRANSMITTER. I think I lost my voice because I was screaming so much and so loud.

On some other news, I have another imagine after this coming out next week, and then after that I have a request coming out. (Just so the request person knows)

stay thirsty my friends,

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