Dean x Reader//Rescue Me

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Song of choice: Blonde Hair, Black Lungs- Sorority Noise

Imagine: on a hunt with the Winchesters, you end up getting captured and Dean has to save your ass

Requested by _fili_and_kili_

"Who would've thought that I, the lowest of the low, captured the mighty Y/N Y/L/N?" The vampire chuckled and tightened the knots he made in the rope. "You aren't getting out; you're going to be used as a blood bank." He bent down near your neck and sniffed, you wincing at the gut-wrenching feeling of him drooling over your tainted blood. You narrowed your eyes into a glare as the new vampire watched you with amusement.

"I'm not going to be here for long sweetheart." You smiled bitterly sweet, scrunching up your noise. "I've got people who will blow up the world to find me." The vamp sneered at you and twirled a strand of your hair with his fingers.

"No one's coming for you this time. You're out of luck." You smirked as you heard quiet footsteps down the hall, no doubt the Winchesters.

"You might want to rethink that." Was your final statement to the vamp before the door burst open and his head rolled to the floor. You smiled gratefully up at Dean as he untied you and brought you into a tight hug with closed eyes and labored breaths.

"You don't know how much I worried about you." He whispered, breathing in your comforting scent. "I was so scared we wouldn't find you again." You shook your head and pulled back so you could look into his forest green eyes that reminded you of love and happiness.

"You don't have to worry Dean; I'm never leaving your side." His calloused hand cupped your cheek as he tried not to let the tears fall. "I'm your personal snack machine, I could never leave or else you wouldn't have my amazing pie." You giggled, causing him to chuckle and kiss your forehead.

"You're perfect."

"And so are you."

This is so short; I'm very sorry about that. It's still really fluffy though. Anyways i have fun news!

I might be going to Anime Con and a Sorority Noise concert! My parents just need to talk it over. Also they're still going over the Supernatural Con, but I'm 89% sure that we'll be going to that. IM SO HAPPY THIS IS GR8

stay thirsty my memes,

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