AU!Dean x Reader//Tape One

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Song of choice: Chamber- Amber Run

Imagine: two police officers, Dean and Sam Winchester, solve your case. Seconds before they close the case, deeming it to be suicide, a box of cassette tapes lands at Dean's doorstep.

Requested by glittterhoee

A/N: if you couldn't tell already, this is a spin off of 13 Reasons Why. I've only watched one episode of the show, so I'm basing this off the book instead as I've read that five times over. Also, you are female in this story. If that is not your actual gender, you can switch the pronouns to whichever you use.

A few things you should know before you read: I'm not going along with the character names and the tape stories that were in 13 Reasons Why as ha, copyright is a thing and I don't feel like being fined or sent out to the Louisiana swamps to get eaten by alligators. Politicians do that, right? Also, there is no relationship between Dean and the reader in this as the reader is in high school. The only reason this is said to be a Dean x Reader is because... well, you'll find out.

WARNING: before you read this, I want you to know there will be a multitude of triggers in here. Suicide is the main, but there are mentions of alcoholism, depression, and crude language. If there's anymore, feel free to comment what it is so I can add it up here.

The ice cubes clinked in the empty glass as he set it down on the counter and stood up, nearly knocking over the bottle of whiskey sitting kindly next to his elbow. His voicemail machine was blinking red, indicating he had unread messages that he has ignored ever since he received this case a few days ago.

The case. He was working the suicide of a girl named Y/N Y/L/N. With a dampened sigh, Dean Winchester ran a hand over his face as he sat down on his worn, leather couch and stared blankly at the case his badge was sitting on top of. The picture of a smiling girl peeked out from the folds of the file, paper-clipped to pictures of the crime scene. Her crime scene. The details of her case were even too gory for the experienced officer to comprehend. Never in the years that Dean has been on the force has a case hit him so hard that he couldn't help but to try and drink himself to death.

He knew it was time to close the case, yet he couldn't help but try and drown it out with all the alcohol he could find in his dusty cupboards. The family deserved closure, but Dean felt like Y/N still had a story to tell. "What are you trying to tell me?" He grumbled out, forest eyes glued to her picture. Just as he was about to seek answers in more whiskey, Dean heard a light knock on his front door. He grabbed his gun from the coffee table and went to his door, carefully opening it with quiet cautiousness. Who would be knocking on his door at 3:00am?

A box apparently had as that was all that was left from the mysterious knock. Dean clicked the safety back on and brought the box inside with a few grunts. It was surprisingly light, but his shaky hands and fatigue did not help with carrying it in. When he opened the water-logged flaps of cardboard, he was met with a set of tapes wrapped in a protective casing of plastic. Dean picked up a tape and read the word 'five' on the side of it. He furrowed his eyebrows and set it back down, rummaging through the box for a tape that said one. With that in hand, Dean plucked his walkman from its perch on his bookshelf and pressed play.

"Hello there." A soft voice piped up through the earbuds as Dean sat back down on his couch. "I'm Y/N Y/L/N and if you're listening to one of these tapes, then it means I talk shit about you on them. Or maybe not. You'll never know unless you listen to them, right?" The officer's eyes were back on your smiling face, tears gathering in the corners. "So, I died. And to you, who's listening to this, you're one of the thirteen reasons why I committed suicide. There's a map somewhere in the box that you received these tapes to give you some perspective. I'll be talking about places starred on the map. You can choose whether to visit them or not; you're choice.

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