Castiel x Reader//Wings

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Song of Choice: Pressure- Milk & Bone

Requested by autumngem21
Imagine: meeting Castiel for the first time.

The lights flickered and the sky rattled dangerously loud, causing you to cover your ears. Your dad had his rifle over his shoulder and was standing in front of you, as if he could protect you from whatever they had summoned. This thing that saved Dean was much more powerful than you had ever thought could be possible.

There was a huge flash of light and then silence. The sky fell quiet and when you opened your eyes, you saw why. Standing by the entrance doors to the barn was a man in a trench coat with black wings spread out as shadows behind him. The wings were there for a split second, making you believe you were the only one to see them. You had to clench your jaw so it wouldn't drop in a mix of awe and horror.

Bobby and Dean began shooting rapidly at the thing, but it just kept coming forward, seemingly unperturbed by the bullets raining down on him. His eyes were set on Dean, though they did flicker toward you and Bobby for a second, almost warily. But, how could a creature like he be wary?

"Who are you?" Dean yells over the rapid gunfire and the sound of shattering light bulbs. The man tilted his head and swiveled his eyes between each of you before speaking.

"I'm the one who gripped you tight and raised you from perdition." The guns swung out of their hands, stopping Dean in the middle of a bemused scoff. You stood behind them, eyeing the pistol on the old wooden table, but too afraid to reach out and grab it. It wouldn't do much, anyways. Shotguns couldn't even stop the thing. Dean rolled his eyes.

"Yeah," he mumbled, "thanks for that." The elder Winchester then lunges forward and plunges a knife carved with sigils into the man's chest. He simply looks down and pulls it out before walking forward and pressing his fingertips against your dad's head. Bobby fell, and you screamed. The man looked at you, fingers twitching, but instead he turned to Dean, leaving you to stare wide-eyed down at your dad.

"We need to talk, Dean." You got down on your knees and shook Bobby's shoulders, but he didn't move. Then, you checked his pulse and breathed out a sigh of relief as it was bright and strong. "Alone." Dean glares at the man.

"Your friend's alive." You rolled your eyes and cradled your dad's hand in your own.

"Yeah, I can tell." You snapped, glaring at him. The man didn't even spare a glance at you; his eyes were locked on Dean Winchester, and you knew they wouldn't be moving anytime soon.

"Who are you?" Dean asked, changing the topic as he knew you were about to start shouting. He didn't need you out like a light, too.

"Castiel." The man barely blinked.

"Yeah, I figured that much. I mean what are you?" Castiel stepped forward, if only slightly, causing Dean to take a full step back. He blocked you out of sight, leaving you to try and see the man through the Winchester's knees.

"I'm an Angel of the Lord." Your eyes widened and you stood up after carefully setting your dad's arm back down.

"You're a what now?" You inquired suspiciously. Sure, as a child you always believed in angels, but when you began to hunt, you knew they weren't real. But, maybe they were? Maybe this Castiel guy was the real deal.

"Get the hell out of here." Dean snapped. "There's no such thing." He shook his head, denial shining sharply in his eyes like the glint of a bullet. You, on the other hand, were not in denial. You were seeing a glimpse of hope that there was some good in the world of the supernatural.

"This is your problem, Dean. You have no faith." Lightning flashed and those wings appeared once again, but for a split second longer this time. When you blinked, they were gone, but you were still in awe. An angel; an actual angel. An angel that knocked out your dad.

"Some angel you are." Dean grunted out. You shook your head and crossed your arms, coming to stand beside Dean.

"You burned out the poor woman's eyes. Pamela will never see again." You furrowed your eyebrows as your ginger voice echoed throughout the nearly empty barn. Castiel simply looked at you with no remorse in his eyes.

"I warned her not to spy on my true form. It can be... overwhelming to humans, and so can my real voice. But you already knew that." Suddenly, something in Dean's mind clicked. He stepped forward, eagerly trying to portray his understanding.

"You mean the gas station and the motel. That was you talking?" Castiel nodded, eyes digging into Dean's. "Buddy, next time, lower the volume." You crinkled your nose. Dean had told you about the high pitched sound, and you could barely imagine the pain his ears were in.

"That was my mistake. Certain people, special people, can perceive my true visage. I thought you would be one of them. I was wrong." You snorted, causing both men to look at you.

"Dean can barely hear the television, I'm surprised he even heard you. He's an old man with old ears." The hunter hit you in the arm, prompting a complacent grin unto your lips.

"And what visage are you in now, huh?" Dean swiftly changed the subject. There was no time for joking in his book. "What, holy tax accountant?" Castiel looked down at himself.

"This?" He glanced back up. "This is a vessel." Dean's eyes narrowed, his arms crossing over each other.

"You're possessing some poor bastard?" You shook your head at Dean's words in realization.

"Just like a demon." Castiel's blue eyes turned pleading, trying to make you understand.

"He's a devout man, he actually prayed for this." His voice was monotonous, betraying the look his eyes shared.

"Well, I'm not buying what you're selling." Dean growled out, uncrossing his arms only to clench his hands into fists. You stepped closer to him and put a comforting hand on his shoulder. "So, who are you really?" Castiel tilted his head again, but this time with a frown.

"I told you." You smiled softly.

"But he doesn't believe it." Dean glanced over at you and stepped slightly in front of you, forever the protective friend he was.

"And why would an angel rescue me from Hell?" He rebuked, voice harsh in an attempt to hide the confusion lapping behind it.

"Good things do happen, Dean."

"Not in my experience. Not in any of ours." You took in a deep breath and held it, waiting for a brawl to start.

"What's the matter? You don't think you deserve to be saved?" Castiel was surprised; he showed it in his voice with different levels of tone and the lightning strikes starting up again outside. In a glint of desperation, Dean reached out with his emotions, trying to understand.

"Why'd you do it?"

"Because God commanded it. Because we have work for you."

"Wait..." You paused. "God's real too?"

Just a random update because I'm feeling really low today and seeing you guys enjoy my writing makes me happy.

- noelle

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