Castiel x Reader//Pretty Boy

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Song of choice: Do Re Mi- Blackbear

Imagine: Castiel getting jealous when the reader is talking to another guy.

Requested by idjitjerk

a/n: kind of important author's note at the end!! It's a thing that all of you can take part in!
ps: this song is gr8

You glanced behind you to the Impala. Sam was giving you a thumbs up, which gave you the courage to enter the nightclub. As you made your way in, you observed the purple, blue, and white lights bouncing off the walls and ceiling. People were screaming along to the music being pumped out by the DJ, drinks in hand, shaking and spilling onto the floor because of their jumping bodies. You looked to the side and saw Dean nonchalantly sipping on a drink, his eyes on you. Cas was sat a few feet away from him, hands in his lap as he glared at the dance floor in front of him.

With a sigh, you went up to the bar and ordered a drink. "Please give me the strongest thing you've got." You called out loudly over the base, causing the bartender to give you a sympathetic stare. She handed you a blue drink with a little umbrella inside of it. "Thank you!"

"No problem sweetheart. I suggest not to go on the dance floor; it can get pretty intense in there." She stated, flashing you a smile. You nodded as she turned toward her next customer with a flirty smile, obviously fishing for tips from the disheveled, drunken man. You snorted and sat down at a booth where you were sure the guy you were looking for would see you.

You had a black dress squeezing your frame with heels taller than Harley Quinn's to match it. The outfit you had bought earlier that day would hopefully catch the attention of the man. From the victims he supposedly chose, you would definitely be next on his list.

Multiple guys tried to buy you a drink before the one you were after caught your eye with a mischievous smirk. You gave him a sultry stare as you delicately lifted your full glass to your red-stained lips and took a sip. He started to make his way over to you, eyes never leaving yours until he sat down across from you and let his eyes roam your body.

"Well, what do we have here?" He smugly smiled and reached a hand out for you to take. "I'm Smith, Charles Smith. You are?" You cringed inwardly as he brought his lips to your hand, but smiled back at him nonetheless.

"Cheryl Blossom." He chuckled darkly and twirled a strand of your hair. "What's a man as put together as you are doing in a nightclub that was just brought up overnight?" You queried, leaning forward and batting your eyes slowly. He licked his lips and distractedly stared at your lips.

"I was looking for a girl like you. What are you here doing alone, sweetheart? You wouldn't want an undeserving man to taint your cherry perfume." You forced out a giggle and decided you had drawn him in enough to start asking the real questions.

"Well, I heard that real men like to hang out around here." You purred, letting your hand slid along his. " He hissed and glanced down at your hand with wide eyes. When you turned your palm up to show a silver coin, his eyes darkened and his mouth let out a snarl.

"Why you little-" He was about to pounce on you before Dean came up behind him with a needle that held a serum Sam had created. Dean shoved it in the werewolf's neck and let him fall limp before beginning to drag him out of the club as if he had a little too much to drink. You stood up and smiled at Cas who was glaring at a man trying to get near you.

"What's got your panties in a twist, angel?" He turned his gaze to you, blue eyes softening at your innocent facade.

"I don't like men flirting with you." You sighed at his blunt statement and linked your arm with his as the two of you left the nightclub.

"It was for the case, Cas." He stopped before you reached Baby who was revving up he engine.

"I could have easily burned his eyes out instead of having you seduce him." You laughed lightly and rolled your eyes.

"He has information for us, Castiel. But don't worry; I wouldn't trade my angel for anything." He smiled softly and kissed your forehead before opening the car door for you.

"Good. I would be heartbroken if you left." With a wink, you closed the door and watched Cas flash out of the premises. Dean smirked at your from the rear-view mirror and wiggled his eyebrows.

"Was pretty boy jealous?" You sat back with a smug smile and crossed your arms.

"You bet he was."

Yes, I did add a Riverdale and Criminal Minds reference in there. Anyways, to the slightly important author's note!

I was thinking that it would be fun to see the talents you guys have, whether through pictures or videos!! Every week I'd feature one of your vids or pictures of a cool talent you have (can be anything, from being able to draw to being able to sound exactly like a lion.) and post it in one of these little things I do at the bottom of my imagines.

Would any of you be interested in that?

I still have yet to set up how I will do it. First I just need to know if any of you would like to participate!! I would feature anything that is sfw (safe for work). Maybe you style clothes and would like to send in a picture, or maybe you would like to write something kind of short!! It could be really anything you could think of. I'll explain it better if any of you would like to do it.

stay thirsty my memes,


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