Preference//He Asks You Out

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you had known Dean ever since you two were little. Your parents were friends, and your parents used to be hunters before they had you. Ever since they both died a few years ago, you've stuck to the Winchesters' sides. They were fine with that, they were your best friends.

You knew you had a little crush on Dean, and Sam knew too. How? He said it was the "lovey dovey" eyes you always had when around Dean. But unbeknownst to you, Dean liked you back. So one day, while you were laying on the couch and reading (favorite book), Dean came and sat next to you.

"I have something to tell you." He piped up after a while. You raise your left eyebrow and bookmarked your book, closing it.

"Shoot." You answered. He awkwardly cleared his throat and shifted. You smiled encouragingly.

"Well, um. I don't know how to say this." He sighed. I can't believe he's nervous, Dean is never nervous.

"What's wrong?" You query, concern lighting up your eyes. He shifts his weight uncomfortably and looks down.

"I like you. A lot, actually. I love it when you smile and your eyes light up, I love how you get so into a book you don't know where you are, I love how you're not afraid to sing infront of anybody." You smiled softly, this couldn't be true. "Actually no, I don't like you. I love you. And I wanted to ask if you wanted to go on a date?"

You smiled brightly and giggled making him look up. "I'd love too Dea. As long as there's some pie." You responded. He chuckled and looks you in your e/c eyes.

"Damn right there'll be pie."

"Sammy whatcha up to?" You question your best friend. Sam looks up from his work and smiles at you.

"I found a potential case. Come here, I'll show you it." You skip over to where Sam is seated and lean forward from behind his chair. Sam coughs awkwardly and looks towards his laptop. "A woman Ally Schmidt, 42, got her heart ripped out over in Montana. I think it might be a werewolf. What do you think?"

"Yeah, it's probably a rampaging werewolf. Unless a ghost enjoys ripping out hearts in his free time." You laugh. Sam chuckles and turns to you. You smile brightly at him, making him smile softly back. Caught up in the moment he moves closer, resulting in you leaning towards his lips.

With a contented sigh he connected your lips and kissed you gently. It was short and sweet, but you still felt like you were on cloud nine. When you pulled back he laughed nervously and scratched the back of his head.

"Maybe we can uh, go out sometime?" He queries. Your e/c eyes light up in excitement. "We could watch a movie? I mean, only if you want to. You obviously don't have to but it's fine if you don't I'll under-"

"As long as we watch (favorite movie)." You interrupted him. He released a relieved sigh and smiled.

"We can do that."

you were in your room listening to (favorite band/singer) and singing along. You didn't have the best voice, but did you care? No, no you didn't. You turned your head to the left and screamed, seeing Cas staring at you.

"What the hell Cas? You scared me!" You replied, breathless. Cas blinked and leaned back.

"I am very sorry y/n." He apologizes. You giggle and respond.

"That's okay Cassie. What's up?" You say up and leaned back on your arms, your headphones falling off of your head.

"Dean said if I liked someone more than a friend, I should ask them on a date. I didn't understand what "date" mean't, but I like you more than a friend so I'm asking you on a date. What is a date?" He tilted his head in confusion.

"A date is sort of like where you hang out, except it's romantic instead. Examples would be a candle lit dinner or sitting under the stars." You laughed. "And yes, I would love to go on a date with you Cassie.

"Really?" He asked in surprise, his face lighting up in joy.

"I mean it." You wink at him and he frowns in confusion.

"What did that wink mean?" He questioned. You laughed musically and whipped your h/c hair out of your face.

"Never mind Cassie."


When you opened the door, you did not expect to see a bundle of roses, red and pink and white. You expected to be alone today and just laze around before you had to go do stuff tomorrow. But, there he stood, in all his awkward glory, with a bundle of roses that were bigger than his head.

"Hey Kev," you mumbled softly, shock still in your expression. "You- are those for me?" He nodded shyly.

"I was wondering if you wanted to go on a, uh, a date tonight?" He stumbled over his words, eyes not daring to meet yours. You smiled and wrapped your arms around him, careful not to poke yourself on the thorns.

"I would love to."

Here you go. I decided to add preferences so tell me if you like them. I might add Charlie, Gabriel, Garth and Adam in some of them too if you want.

stay thirsty my friends,

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