Castiel x Winchester!Reader//Light and Dark

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Song of choice: Painting Roses- Dresses

Imagine: Castiel being your soulmate.

Requested by ZoeyP03

Ever since you were little, you wondered about the symbols across your wrist, dreaming about it being a language from another planet. Or maybe a prince who draws in symbols and inks his skin with them. However, once your dad rushed you, Dean, and baby Sam out of the house, shouting in a frantic tone, you stopped dreaming. Why dream when the world was so dark, so bleak? Why dream when dreams mean't nothing in the life of a hunter?

Years passed, hearts were broken by death and ending love, yet you were still here with your brothers and those symbols covering your wrist with a blue flare. Though you didn't care about the symbols anymore. The only thing that mattered now was keeping you and your brothers alive. Every hunt that went wrong, ending with one of your brothers dying, the Winchester in you sold their soul. You've spent years in hell, but you didn't care. You saved your brothers and that was all that mattered. However, maybe it was time to save yourself.

You were curled up in the library, hands clutching at your hair, eyes skimming the lore in front of you. Books were stacked in crooked towers, all that could fall with just a whisper of a breath. You had been searching for this creature Sam had found for weeks, yet there was no information of it. This thing had simply not been caught. Your brothers were trying to find someone to help as you stuck to the books. If you did not catch this thing, then it would kill more than the twelve it already has. 

Your infuriating research was soon cut of by the buzz of your phone. You rolled your eyes and answered the call. "What?" You snapped, tired from the hours upon hours of research you've gone through.

"Easy there, Tiger." Dean chuckled through the line bringing you relief. Your brother's voice always seemed to do that.

"Shouldn't you be searching for someone to help us?" Amusement flooded your voice until you heard shuffling and muffled voices. "Hello? Dean? My least favorite brother?" Suddenly, you heard a clear, sharp cough and his voice.

"First of all, rude. Second of all, we already found someone. His name is Cas; you weren't here when we befriended an angel." Your twin brother stated, causing you to choke on an inhale of air. "Okay, don't die now. We still need you."

"You're friends with an angel?" You finally managed to speak, setting your phone on speaker and putting it with the table. He mumbled out a slightly guilt-stricken yes. "Why didn't you tell me? I've always wanted to meet an angel!" Your voice wasn't laced with malice like he thought it would be. Instead, all he could hear was the excitement that was present in the both of you when you were children.

"Sorry for not telling you, sis. We thought it might've been better to tell you after the war in Heaven ended." He voiced. "We'll be back soon, alright?" With that, he hung up, leaving you to boil in your elation about finally meeting an angel. Unconsciously, you began to run your fingers over the raised lines on your fragile skin. You didn't even go back to your researching. Maybe this angel would be able to help the three of you fight this lamentable creature. The sound of a flutter snapped you out of your mind and caused you to reach for your gun, pointing it at the spot where your brothers and the angels stood. Slowly you put it down and sauntered over to them with a bubbling grin accentuating your features.

"So you guys can actually fly?" You blurted out, ignoring your brothers and focusing in on the angel who had an unique style. He tilted his head to the side, eyes flickering toward your exposed arm before turning back to your irises.

"We can not technically fly, but we can teleport to wherever we would like." He elucidated in a gruff voice. You nodded with a soft smile. Dean cleared his throat and patted you on the shoulder as he walked past to his room.

"You guys chat away." Sam kissed you on the head and made his way to the table you had been positioned at. You forgot about the looming case as you asked Cas question after question, finding every answer even more interesting than the last. Finally, he stopped you and asked what he had been wanting to know for so long.

"Your tattoo; did you get that at a shop?" You shook your head and watched him blink away slight shock. "You do not know what it says?" Once again you motioned a no. "It means 'light and dark.'" With that, he lifted up his sleeve and showed you the same tattoo. Your mouth went into the shape of a zero as you stood up from the couch the two of you had moved to.

"So, we're soulmates, huh?" You stuttered out, voice failing with the words you so badly wanted to scream and shout out on the rooftops. He nodded curtly.

"Apparently so." A boisterous voice took the two of you out of your bubble of sockdolager, making you both twirl swiftly toward the sound.

"We found something that might give us something-" Dean cut himself off as he watched the tattoo across his best friend's wrist. "You guys have the same tattoo. That- um, no. Not happening, not on my watch." Your brother marched over and hooked his arm with yours, tugging you gingerly away from the angel.

"Dean, he's my soulmate." You breathed out, voice coated with thrill and slight fear as you didn't know how Dean was going to react.

"I say no to that. You're not going to be soulmates with Cas; no offense buddy." Dean gave his signature 'sorry not sorry' smile, frowning once you stepped back. "Look, he's a great guy- you're a great guy- but Cas is not going to date you, end of discussion." You raised an eyebrow and propped your hand up on your hip before calling out to Sam. Your younger brother came into the sitting room with agog ears.

"What would you do if you found out that Cas was my soulmate?" You queried, glancing between the three boys in the room. Sam shrugged and smiled at Cas.

"As long as he doesn't hurt you, I think it's a perfect match." He responded, causing you to stick your tongue out at Dean.

"Deal with it, bro." Dean simply grumbled and shuffled over to his friend. He placed his hand on Cas' shoulder and gave him a harsh, bone-crushing pat. Through gritted teeth, he spoke.

"Hurt Y/N and I will hurt you worse than anything you have ever gone through."

Yikes, sorry for giving you this crap. We ended up staying an extra night, so we got home pretty late today and I promised ya'll an imagine today, so here we go.


(I'm allowed to do that because my cousins are Australian)

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