Castiel x Reader//Happier

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Song of choice: Happier- Ed Sheeran

Imagine: falling from Heaven, causing the Winchesters and their angel companion, as well as Lucifer, to come searching for you.

Requested by yolocat1

a/n: italics are flashbacks

"Cas, let me help you." Your voice soothed with a jingle of humor as you took the angel's hand out of a bottle of honey. "If you want the honey, you're going to have to use silverware." You giggled at the look of confusion on his face. With a shake of your head, you snapped your fingers, a spoon appearing in them. "That's silverware."

You shook your head, wrapping your arms tighter around your body. This was what you wanted, yet it didn't feel that way. But here you were, staring up at the blue sky that Earth has to offer. You chuckled and raised your hand as if you were going to capture the sun in your palm. A bright smile cherished your lips as you twirled, bare feet tickled by the grass, mind at peace as the war between your brothers and sisters had gone silent.

You missed them; you knew you were going to miss them. However, you wouldn't miss them as much as you had been jealous of the beings on Earth.

"If only I could be down there," you sighed out as you balanced your head on your palm, "they look so happy." Castiel sat down next to you and pat your head.

"Not all of them are happy." He whispered, mind flashing to the Winchesters and all the pain he has witnessed in their eyes. You glanced up at him and observed his features before sighing and rolling over on your back.

"So? I'd love to be down there, I'd love to feel all the emotions; good and bad. I'd love to be human."

"Dean, we have to find her." Castiel begged, blue eyes wide with fear. Dean sighed and flipped open the laptop. "She doesn't know this world like we do; she doesn't know the evil in it." He pleaded, eyes watering up.

"I get it, Cas." Dean snapped as he turned on the laptop. "I'll see what I can find on her. We might not find her; I want you to know that. Angels can cloak themselves easily." Cas nodded and stood up from his seat on a chair.

"I know, Dean." He muttered in his gruff voice. "But we have to. Lucifer is after her, and I can't let him ruin her innocence." With that, Cas fluttered his wings and left the bunker, leaving Dean to sigh and make some coffee.

"This is going to be a long night."

"Cas, I don't like it." You whispered, pained eyes open wide as you watched your brothers and sisters fight. Castiel nodded and pulled you into a hug.

"I hate it too." He stated, eyes filled with confusion as you pulled away from him in rage.

"Then why are you fighting alongside them?"

Lucifer chuckled darkly, his eyes glowing red as he watched you dance in the rain, hair stitching to your skin. Your dress clung to your skin, the white becoming transparent, yet you didn't care. No one could see you; no one could see the love you had for this planet.

"Oh, little girl, you have gotten yourself in such a mess."

You tried. Your wings no longer worked; they were clipped, yet Castiel could still fly. You cried in anger, letting your tears sting the cuts and bruises on your face. Where was your best friend? He said he would always be there for you, yet he wasn't here now.

He promised to stay. He promised to keep you safe. Yet here you were, shackled to a stone wall, beaten and abused. Where was he?

"Now, you can make this easy or hard, Lucifer." Dean growled, demon knife hidden up his sleeve. Lucifer simply laughed and crossed his arms, a smug smirk taking over his features.

"It's going to be hard either way. I'm not giving her up; not when I just found the only thing that'll break both the Winchesters and Castiel." The angel growled and stepped forward, letting an angel blade fall into his hand, but he was stopped by the hands of his friends.

"If you hurt her, I swear-"

"You swear what, Castiel? You already left her; I doubt she will forgive you." Castiel's eyes filled with hurt as he dropped his knife. Lucifer laughed and snapped his fingers, an apparition of you appearing beside him. You were slumped over the ground, eyes barely open, as blood seeped out of you. There was no hope in your eyes, there was no longer intrigue. Your eyes were dead.

"No." Cas whimpered out, nearly falling to the ground. Somehow, he kept his will. "Please, let her go. I'll do anything." Lucifer raised an eyebrow as Dean and Sam glared warnings at their angel friend.

"Anything?" Castiel nodded pathetically and glanced towards your faded, pain-ridden figure. "I like the sound of that. Become my follower, and I will set her free."

"Cas, you can't!" Dean exclaimed, taking a grip on the angel's left arm. "You know what he will do." Cas only nodded and pushed Dean off of him before walking towards Lucifer.

"Bring her here now, for real, and I will become your follower." He declared in a voice of matter and strength. "Give her to Sam and Dean, and I will take my part graciously."

"Seal it with a kiss?"

"No, brother. You already can't break a bond between family." Lucifer pursed his lips and nodded, once again snapping his fingers with a maniacal laugh. You glanced up with wide eyes, staring at Castiel then at the Winchesters, and finally at Lucifer.

"There's my part of the deal." Another snap and your shackles were gone. Sam ran toward you and picked you up in his arms, bringing you back to the Impala where he gave you his jacket. "Now where's yours, Castiel?" The trench-coated angel tilted his head to the side and shuffled closer to Lucifer.

"I suppose you didn't understand; we aren't family. We stopped being family when you became the Devil." And with that, Castiel showed his grace, blinding the Winchesters. You watched through the light as Cas placed a hand to Lucifer's chest. Lucifer's skin broke into a dark onyx, the color of his grace, before turning into black dust. The light faded and all that was left was Castiel and the imprint of wings in the dirt. Castiel turned around and stared into your eyes before whispering, "I never left you. I was always there."

Your eyes shone like a glittering shore as you turned the closed sign to open. Your book shop was officially open, and your first customers were none other than the Winchesters. "Hello, boys!" You chimed, your laugh twinkling like a wind chime in a ginger wind.

"Hey, Y/N." Sam hugged you gently, being replaced by a tight hug from Dean. "We missed you." You smiled the first real smile they'd seen on you in a while as you glanced behind you to the counter where Castiel was sat, reading a book about your life.

"You guys want to see some books?"

You thought this would be angst, didn't you!! WELL IT WAS EXCEPT IT HAS A HAPPY ENDING!! I loved writing this, it was so much fun and made me feel so many things.


stay thirsty my memes,

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