Third Day of Halloween//Castiel x Reader

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Song of Choice: Butterfly's Dream- Erutan

Imagine: you and Cas are three inches tall and you have wInGs!! GOSSOMER ONES!! (#Pixstiel)

Never trust a pixie. Their words are always sugarcoated with lies, even when they bound themselves with you by truth. Always, you'll get caught up in a mess you could have avoided if you were not so intrigued by the whistle pixies blew to make the forest creatures do their bidding.

Never trust a pixie for they will make you never trust anything back.

You can go and avoid them, slaughter them, imprison them, but they will never go away. When dawn turns to dusk and everyone is resting in their beds, the pixies come out to play. They never stay for long, though. Their nightly tricks are enough to keep them at bay during the day.

"Castiel, I swear to the moon," you called, chasing after him through the forest. He was a speck in the distance, but you too were fast. Maybe even faster than him. You had more experience on your wings than he did. More experience in these woods.

"You have got to see this!" He was excited, a flurrying pace that dizzied your head. Even his movements were fast. The flick of his head turning toward you, the flutter of his wings creating a soft buzz, and his eyes changing emotions so quickly. "I unearthed it yesterday when I could see through the sun's rays-"

"You went outside during the day?" With your widening eyes, your headache only seemed to increase. "Castiel, that's dangerous! There's pixie hunters. You could have been killed!" He stopped and turned toward you, his obsidian hair curled from your dip in the water earlier that night.

"I did not get hurt though, so I do not see the problem with it. No one ever comes in the forest; they are too afraid to come to the land where they are the most vulnerable. There is very little risk for us if we stay in the shadows of the trees." He had tilted his head, a curl falling against the skin of his face as he landed on a tree branch. You did the same with a huff, crossing your arms as soon as your wings died out their beat.

"It's still not safe, Cas. You saw-we all saw- what they did to Adam when he got caught. They threw him in a cell, Castiel. One made of wrought-iron; one that is going to kill him because of what is in our blood." You argued, throwing your hands up. The creatures beneath you scuttered away, fearful of a pixie's anger and of what that rage could do. "He's not the only one who has been caught. There have been others, too. Some who never even left the safety of the forest."

He shook his head in disdain, eyes pleading with yours for you to understand. "We are never going to truly be free if we do not get over this fear, Y/N. I want to be free. I want to live anywhere in the world that I want to, not just limited to this forest that I have already explored from every inch to end." You sighed, confusion filtering your mind, fogging up what was already not clear.

"I want to be free too, but pixies don't get to be free. We haven't done anything to deserve it."

"Then let's do something!" Castiel reached forward, hands grasping yours in a desperate call. "Let's show those pesky humans that we deserve the exact freedom that they have acquired." You shook your head in a slight, watching him and his crystal, blue eyes.

"I don't know, Cas. Our parents-" He cut you off my shaking your hands, his grip going slightly tighter. Not enough to cause discomfort, but enough to know that he was always there.

"That is the first step. We will never be free if we do not get under the reign of our parents. Sure, they may be Kings and Queens of the high court, but they do not have the sort of magic to stop us from running." He was becoming frantic, matching the vocals of the birds above. "Let me show you what I found, and you can decide for yourself. To stay under a blind arm, or to fly without cut wings." You hesitated, but, in the end, you couldn't quench your curious nature.

"Take me to it, Fly Boy." He smiled, despite the silly nickname. And, without turning around, led you to the end of the branch and jumped off, letting his wings glide him up as yours did the same for you. Cas let go of one of your hands, but did not let go of the other. Probably to make sure you weren't going anywhere. He was a bit insecure of others leaving him as a game young pixies played on him was quite cruel. To invite him to something and then leave, snickering? It was churlish. You clenched your open fist and rid yourself of the anger that was heating up your cheeks. Now was not the time for rage at old scenarios.

"Here! It is this way." Cas' voice had turned to a whisper, the way a child sounded when they were fearful of the monster in their closet. "Look at it." In seconds, you were through the trees and facing a clearing full of mums and daffodils. Every flower that could be imagined was there in every color.

"Oh my," you murmured, eyes widening to take in as much of the scene as you could. "This is beautiful. Wait... is that a skyline? Of a human city?" You pulled back from his hand, jaw dropping. "Cas, you could have gotten hurt! Fishermen could have seen you, or the trekkers who come during the day for rough waters. Oh Cas, you could have gotten so hurt." By now, your eyes were watering with salty tears as you thought of what could have happened. He furrowed his eyebrows and fluttered toward you taking you in his arms.

"I am sorry for worrying you." He shushed, running a hand through your hair. "But there would have to be no worry if we left. I heard of a potion that can be made by a flower deep within the Icelandic mountains. It can turn any creature human. If we were human, we could be free. We would be free." You lifted your head from his shoulder, sniffling softly as you took his eyes in, forever frantic, forever pleading. "Please."

"But we would no longer have wings. We could no longer fly." You pouted, tilting your head to the side as he mirrored you. "I do not know if I could give up flying." He chuckled softly, dryly.

"You would not have to as the potion only works during the day. At night, we would return to our normal forms. Our wings would be back. Would you please come with me, Y/N? I cannot do this without my best friend."

You nodded deftly. "I'll do it for you, Cas." When his smile lit up so bright, brighter than the fires that had been blown out, you knew you made the right decision.

Though pixies could lie, and lie they did, truly there was always one that was pure. Not meddling in boisterous games, but instead seeking for a change. A change to the pixie law. A change that could alter the future forever.

How about that three inch tall Castiel, am I right??? IM SO SORRY FOR LEAVING IT ON A CLIFFHANGER!! I know if I continued I'd get to like twenty five thousand pages and it wouldn't get up tonight :(

AAAnnyways, I went ice skating today!! I didn't fall over, which is a pretty good feat! I also burnt my tongue a LoT on hot chocolate y i k es

Halloween question: What's your most recent Halloween costume?

stay thirsty my memes,

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