Lucifer x Reader//Love Ten Times More

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Song of choice: Neptune- Sleeping At Last

Imagine: Lucifer's bonded to you like every guardian angel is to their person. They were bound long before he fell.

Requested by kyloxren

note: I didn't know if you wanted them to be in love so I did it anyways. I'm all in for fluffy Lucifer x Reader's.

The sound of soft rainfall encompassed your ears as you were curled up on the couch, rereading the book that you would never get enough of. Your sweater-clad body was shivering under a blanket as your landlord wouldn't turn up the bloody heat. It was freezing outside! Was he mad? You sighed and hugged the blanket around you, putting a mark in your book before getting up to go complain to him again. However you didn't get very far before you felt a gust of cold air come your way.

You mistook the sound of flapping wings for your candle blowing out. But when you turned around, you saw that your candle was still lit and that everything was the same except for the man standing in the middle of your sitting room. You let out a scream and dropped the blanket, going to run to the hallway closet to pick up your baseball bat. He didn't stop you; he just stood there, out of place in your tiny sitting room that you were lounging in just a few seconds ago.

His pale eyes followed your hurried movements before coming to a stop as you brought the bat up around your shoulder.

"I have been watching you from above for years. I didn't know that your eyes resembled that of the universe." You watched him with wild eyes, ready to swing the bat with all your might if necessary. He didn't look like he was going to hurt you though; no, he looked like he wanted to protect you. That was a scary thought considering you didn't know him.

"Who are you?" You spat out, appalled but slightly scared. You had no idea what he was capable off, and you doubted he knew either. He shrugged and smiled at you.

"My name is Lucifer, and I am your guardian angel." He replied, a cocky smirk replacing his genuine smile. Right then you thought it would be a good idea to pass out.

"I can't believe you took a picture of me as I was passed out on the floor!" You exclaimed, laughing as you hit him over the head with the picture frame. He whined and rubbed the sore spot making you pinch his cheeks. "Oh you pour baby. Did Y/N give you a boo boo?" Lucifer glared at you before softening his gaze. He looked at you with pure love, wondering what he would do if he had never been bonded to you.

"I love you." He whispered gently, afraid his words would ruin the loving moment happening before his eyes. You smiled at him, e/c eyes sparkling with love and happiness. Slowly you leaned in and kissed him gingerly.

"I love you too hun, but that's not going to make me forgive you for taking a picture of me." You teased, opening one eye. He chuckled and wrapped his arms around your waist to pull you closer.

"You can't blame me! You looked cute." Lucifer whined. He tickled your sides softly making you giggle and look up at him. "You always look cute. Actually, no; you're more beautiful than words can say." Your cheeks flushed hot as his words hung in the air.

This little flat of yours was no longer cold. Not because your landlord decided to turn up the heat- no, he was still being an ass- but because of the angel sitting on the couch right next to you, his wings wrapped around your body to keep you safe and warm. Love was literally in the air. Your candle was named love is in the air; it was Lucifer's idea to grab it at the candle store. It smelled nice though.

Or maybe you only thought that because he looked so happy as you let him pick out a candle for your home.

"You're the best guardian angel someone could ever ask for." You suddenly blurted out as you disappeared from your thoughts. He chuckled and raised an eyebrow.

"Are you sure? I am Lucifer after all." He responded playfully, however you could tell from his eyes that this was no joking matter. Your eyes softened as you placed a hand on his cheek.

"The only reason you fell is because you loved God too much and humans not enough." Fell out of your lips quietly. He smiled at you before kissing your forehead.

"If I had known there was someone like you in the world then I would have fallen in love with the human race in less than a heartbeat." He muttered, his minty breath washing over your face as he leaned his head against yours with closed eyes. You closed your eyes as well and took a deep breath in; this was everything you could have ever asked for. The scent of love drifting through the air, city lights shining through your windows, and the love of your life and many more holding you in his arms.

"I love you, guardian angel who is also the king of Hell." You stated, cuddling into his arms. You felt his wings wrap around you tighter, making sure you knew you were protected.

"I love you, human who also has an unhealthy book addiction." He joked back, kissing your neck wetly like a dog to make you squeal.

"Luci! I hate you!"

"Well then looks like I'll have to carry love for the both of us.

First of all- I don't know why I named this one shot Love Ten Times More.

Second of all- listen to Rusty Clanton's version of the song above I love him and he's great. Also when he wears a beanie I kinda wanna cry because he's just such a little bean.

ANYWAYS, I hope you loved this McKenna and everyone else who is reading this right now and oh my god I just like weirded myself out that someone is legit reading this right now oh my god I love you

(note: I didn't spell check this haha oops)

stay thirsty my memes,

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