Platonic!Castiel x Reader//Human Again, Only Human Again

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Song of choice: Another Day of Sun- La La Land Cast

Imagine: Gabriel turns the impala into a hardcore butch lesbian and all she does is embarrass Dean and Cas with saucy innuendos before helping Sam get them together.

A/N: I made the reader the butch lesbian, so if any of you are uncomfortable with that, you're totally welcome to change the pov. That's just the easiest way for me to write. Also, there's so much cussing in this. No f bombs though, just a lot of sob's, shit's, and damn's.

Requested by panic_atmylife

Gabriel was supposed to be dead. When the boys went back to check on him, he was dead on the ground with his wings burnt out. They thought he was gone; but oh, you shouldn't trust the trickster because he will never run out of tricks. The trick that he did to show the Winchesters that he was back nearly killed Dean.

"What the hell did you do to my car?" Dean exclaimed, near tears as he stared at the girl's body that lay where his car used to be parked. Gabriel smirked and raised an eyebrow, opening his arms as if he was asking for a hug. "Weren't you just dead?"

"I was," Gabriel chuckled, " but I wasn't really dead." He grinned and snapped his fingers, waking up the girl on the floor. "And here's my gift to you!"

You opened your eyes and blinked to get rid of the blur. When you were able to see you gasped in surprise as you saw limbs; human limbs that were apparently yours.

"Wait, what?" You mumbled, slapping yourself and wincing. "Why do I look like a baby fresh out of the womb? Oh, this definitely has something to do with that son of a bitch trickster, doesn't it. Goddamn Winchesters, always choosing the wrong friends." You shook your head and glanced up, only to see the Winchesters and the angel in question staring at you. Dean was staring in horror, Sam in confusion, and Gabriel in downright amusement. You scowled and stood up as best you could on your new limbs. "Ready to get a piece of some of this, angel shit?"

"Oh, go ahead sweetheart. But just wait your little booty to get a taste of some pie and you'll never want to be a car again." You rolled your eyes at his dramatics and punched him in the face with no warning. "Jimminy crickets! I've been impaled!" Gabriel screamed, holding his bleeding nose. Dean chuckled and walked towards you, hand held out.

"Hi, I'm Dean." He winked and frowned as you wrinkled up your nose in disgust and gave Dean the firmest handshake he'd ever had.

"And I'm a lesbian who doesn't want any of that dick shit." You waved your hand around his privates and observed the garage you were in. "Any of you have food? I haven't eaten since 1983 when I was turned into a human by an angel named Hamandriel." Dean's eyes widened.

"That's where you went that day? I sent out missing posters! I was worried." He exclaimed. "I nearly died of fear for you." Sam chuckled and smiled at you, ignoring Dean.

"I'm Sam, which you probably already know. We still don't know your name." You smirked and shook his hand.

"I'm Y/N. Now where's that sexy, trench coat wearing angel that Dean loves so much?" Gabriel burst out laughing and clapped you on the shoulder.

"That was great." Sam raised an eyebrow as Dean stomped out of the garage in embarrassed fury. You shrugged and glanced at both Gabriel and Sam.

"Any of you want food?"

"Dean and Cassy, sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G." You giggled, stuffing a huge bite of burger into your mouth. "First comes love, then comes marriage, then comes a demon in a baby carriage-"

"Oh would you shut up?" Dean muttered, angrily eating his food. You smirked at Sam and glanced at Cas who was staring at you in confusion.

"I'll never stop, not until you two kiss and have sweet, hot- Ow! Don't hit me." You hissed at Dean. He rolled his eyes and stood up, grabbing Cas by his coat and taking him with him. "Sam."

"Yeah?" He answered, looking over at you in all your leather glory.

"Do you think they're going to have sweet, hot-" You got cut off by Sam's phone ringing and growled. "Do you think they will?" Sam nodded and answered the call from Dean.

"Yeah, I know; she's kind of hard to handle. But she is truthful. The way you look at Cas with love eyes and-" Dean hung up causing you and Sam to laugh loudly, disrupting everyone in the diner you were still at.

"They are so in love!" You cooed.

Days later, Dean finally convinced Gabriel to change you back into your original form. However, he did add something knew; the ability for you to speak.

This was so much fun to write.

You can still send in happiness book messages, and if you want, can send in more than one! I'm trying to fill the whole book so I need as many messages as possible. Tell your friends, the cashier at Taco Bell, your grandma; tell everyone because I'm taking messages till August 1st! (Perhaps longer if I don't have enough)

stay thirsty my memes,

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