Castiel x Reader//Guardian Angel

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Song of choice: Already Home- A Great Big World

Imagine: Castiel being your guardian angel.

You had not know the angel who seems to only wear a tan trench coat. You had not known the way his ice blue eyes lit up at your appearance. You had not know he was there at all. Yet he was there, looking over your shoulder. He was there through all your accomplishments and failures, your happy days and your bad days; he was there through it all.

However you didn't seem to know.

He always tried to give you hints that he was there and you weren't alone, but you were oblivious to it. You thought you were alone, that it was just you against the world; but it wasn't like that. He wished, oh your angel wished that your eyes wouldn't shed tears over being alone when in reality you weren't alone. You had a whole army of people following you behind- you still do. But here you are, crying into your pillow with Dodie Clark playing through your speakers, sad about the world and the people in it. Sad about the people you used to have and the memories that could have been made but you were too afraid to make them.

Your angel so badly wanted to hold you tight in his arms, his wings wrapped around the two of you. He wanted to whisper words of comfort into your ear and let you know that you weren't alone and that someone had your back. However he couldn't; he could put you in danger if someone knew how much you mean to him. He had only been human briefly so he didn't know much about emotions, but he knew the ones he was feeling right now were the same ones he felt for the Winchesters; love. And as he had figured out, love can reach no boundaries. So maybe that was why he was going against his better judgement and moving towards the bed you sat on.

Maybe that's why he wrapped his arms and wings around you and laid his head on your head. Maybe that's why he started talking to you in Enochian even though you couldn't hear it. He was still invisible, it still didn't seem like he was there to him at least. But to you; he was there. You felt a warm embrace and it made you cry even harder, now happy tears for knowing someone was there. You couldn't see this lovely angel that was doing his all not to show himself to you anymore than he already has, but you still knew he was there.

Your tears came to a slow stop as he continued his Enochian speech in your ear. You shivered, thinking you were cold but no, you weren't cold. You were feeling the warmth of someone who cared for you and who loved you. Someone who would go to the end of the universe if it would make you smile. Someone who was willing to rip away his happiness for you. This person, this man who only seems to wear a dirty tan trench coat and with ice blue eyes that light up at your appearance. This man...

This man was your guardian angel, and he wasn't leaving you anytime soon. No, he wasn't leaving you at all.

I've been feeling alone and like I've had no one for the past few days, so that is probably why I wrote this. I thought hey, if I feel alone, other people out there probably feel alone and need the love of Castiel to grip them tight and raise them from this lonely pit of loneliness.

So yeah.

I'm sorry if some parts of this are repetitive or something, I'm not going to go over and check it right now. I feel like the more raw the words, the better the writing? I dunno that's just my take.

stay thirsty my friends,

(haha yes I'm going back to this exit)

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