Dean x Reader//Don't Leave

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Song of choice: Circles- Greta Svaboo Bech

Imagine: high school!dean leaving and years later you crash into him.

"Dean you can't leave!" You cried, your e/c eyes dropping tears in a flash. Dean smiled sadly and stepped towards you making you take a step back. "You can't leave me Dean." You whispered, running a hand through your h/c hair.

"I'm sorry y/n." Dean replied, honesty seeping into his tone. You leaned against the dirty wall of the outside of your high school. Dean went to put a hand on your shoulder but you stepped aside. His green eyes looked broken, as did yours. Your whole facade had broken, all because of him. You let that bastard in through the walls around your heart, and now he was leaving.

"You bastard!" You screamed, well aware that his dad and little brother could hear you. "I let you in, I let you be my friend and now you just leave? Just like that? This is why I put walls up Dean Winchester! Because I didn't want to get hurt! But I let them down for you, and now I'm hurt." You cried. Dean stood where he was helplessly, wanting to comfort you so badly but you not letting him.

"Y/n I'm sorry, I'm so sorry." He murmured, finally allowing a few tears to slip out. You shook your head and hugged yourself, shivering from the cold and the wetness of your tears.

"Don't tell me you're sorry." You glared at him. "Don't tell me your sorry when you're leaving me." You spat out, your e/c eyes lit with fury. A car horn was heard and Dean looked back at the '67 Chevy Impala that was his ride. You laughed dryly and shook your head. "Just go."

"Y/n-" he tried, but you interrupted him.

"Just go." With a sad smile, he set a box down at your feet and left, leaving you to crumple to the ground in tears. He was your best friend. Your only friend. And he left, he just had to leave like everyone else in your life. Dean looked back on your huddled figure sitting on the floor in a heap, his candy apple green eyes dim. He opened the passenger door and slammed it shut once he was in.

"It's for the best, Dean." His father spoke calmly, making Dean glare at him. His little brother Sam was in the back, his worried eyes switching from his eldest brother to the girl that Dean had befriended. The impala started and drove off, leaving you a crying mess behind.

"It wasn't for the best dad." Dean spat out harshly. He looked out his window when he felt his father look at him. "I broke her heart."

Twelve years later...

You sighed, running a hand through your messy h/c locks. Your e/c eyes no longer held the spark they once did. Pulling off the top of a beer, you sat down on the crummy motel bed and let out a sad laugh. On the table before you was a box covered in old blue wrapping paper-your favourite colour-and a white bow tying it off. It's been twelve years since you received this, and you never opened it. You set it aside and never looked at it again, but you never had the heart to throw it away.

A boy with sandy brownish hair and candy apple green eyes gave that to you. You could still remember his charming smile; the pride you felt in yourself when you made him laugh his magical laugh. He gave this little box to you before he left you forever. He never tried to keep in contact. He never tried to call you. You never heard from him again, yet you still kept this little box and a broken heart that he left you with.

With an angry groan you took a huge gulp of your beer and picked up the box, handling it delicately. It was old, so it was fragile. Your fingers grazed over the bow as you pulled it loose and slid it off of the box. With a deep breath you took off the lid and smiled slightly. You picked up the chain that was in there.

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