Dean x Reader//Amnesia 2

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Five Weeks Later
Second Person
You finally were let go out of the hospital. The man, Dean, led you out to a 1967 Impala, which you got in the passenger seat of. Apparently Dean was your boyfriend, and he had a brother named Sam who was your best friend, and a friend named Cas and he was your other best friend.

"So how long of a ride will this be?" You asked Dean, already excited for a road trip. He looked over to see you trying to contain your excitement, and he chuckled.

"Maybe a few hours at most, we're not that far." He responded and put the car in drive. Pulling out of the parking lot, you both headed to a new adventure.
"Cause I'm back in black!" You sang/screamed, your e/c eyes twinkling in joy. For the past hour you both have been screaming to classic rock, which Dean told you is your favorite music.

You could see why.

"So Dean, I want to know more about you. What are you like?" You queried curiously, laying your head down on your hand.

"Well, I'm an Aquarius. I like pie and the show Dr. Sexy, which you always made sure I didn't watch it without you." You chuckled at him. "You and I always went on small road trips when we were free, and we had prank wars.

"My brother is the only family I have left alive, except for this girl named Charlie, who is also your best friend. She's not actually related to me though."

"What's Charlie like?" You questioned with a small smile on your face. Dean smiled back and took a deep breath as if trying to remember.

"Charlie has red hair, and her favorite Harry Potter character is Hermione. Your favorite was Cedric. She's a nerd, and you got along well with that.

"When we get back she'll most likely suffocate you, so beware." He told me seriously. You giggled and looked out the windshield.

"All of you guys seem cool. No wonder we got along well." You murmured.

"Yeah, no wonder we got along." Then at that moment, Dean turned the music up and we stopped talking, just enjoying the open road and Led Zeppelin.
"Hey, wake up sweetheart." Someone said as they shook your shoulder. You groaned softly and opened your eyes to see Dean leaning over you with a smile on his face.

"Hey Dean." You mumbled and rubbed your heavy eyes. "Carry me, I'm tired." You demanded and he chuckled, leaning down to pick you up. Just then you both heard a scream, and turned to see a red head running at you.

"Oh my god y/n you're alive!" She screamed. So this must be Charlie. You got out of Dean's arms and hugged her right when she got there.

"I missed you so much." She squealed.

"I guess I missed you too then."

Three Months Later

"No! Charlie you are not going to beat me at my own game!" You yelled, slamming your fingers down on your computer's keys. Charlie laughed evilly and killed you again.

"Charlie!" You screamed in annoyance. You both heard a chuckle so you paused your game and turned around.

"What's Charlie doing?" Dean asked, leaning against the doorframe. You pouted and crossed your arms.

"She keeps killing me! Put her in time out!" You whined in the voice of a five year old, obviously joking. Charlie laughed and left as your game was over, leaving you and Dean alone.

"Well Charlie left babe," he spoke in a deep tone. "I can't put her in timeout." Just then flashes of memories were shown before your eyes at the word babe.

"I love you babe."

"I love you too Dea."
"Sammy stop that!" You giggled out as Sam tickled you.

"I'm not stopping!" He replied.

"Dea save me!" You screamed out to your boyfriend.

"Sorry babe, you're on your own." He chuckled out.
"I can't believe you!" You screamed at Dean with tears streaming down your face. He drunkenly turned to you and took another sip from his beer. "Why?"

"Because you don't wanna do the action babe. "You're not ready for it." As you always say. So I got bored and did her." He stated in a bored tone.

"I'm done Dean." You whispered brokenly. "I'm so done." You turned around to your room and packed up all your stuff, then headed out the door.
"Babe? Y/n are you okay?" A worried Dean said, waving his hand in front of your face. You blinked and looked at him. You jumped on him and hugged him, wrapping your arms around his neck while his were on your waist.

"I'm so sorry Dea. I didn't mean to drive recklessly. I'm so sorry." You sobbed into his shoulder, him running circles into your back.

"It's not your fault babe. It's mine for cheating on you, and I greatly wish that day never happened." You looked up into Dean's eyes to see that he too was crying.

"I love you Dea." You whispered.

"I love you too babe. Do you forgive me?" He replied brokenly. You nodded and smiled softly.

"I do." You leant forward and put your lips on his, all the loss and love and pain shining through that one single touch. After a while you both pulled apart.

"I love you."

"I love you too babe."

Bum bu dum dum bum! Hope you like ittttttttttttt. Comment if you see any mistakes and I'll fix them as soon as I can!

stay thirsty my friends,

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