High School!Sam x Reader//Don't Let Him Bring You Down

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Song choice: Face Down- The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus

Imagine: Sam witnessing your dad hit you.

You glanced out the window at the speeding landscape roaming past, not appreciated. With a soft smile you mouthed to the trees and the sky,

I care for you. I appreciate you.

"Hey! Stop doing weird things girl." Your dad scolded, making your e/c eyes widen with unfathomable fear. You shut your mouth and continued staring out the glass window. Lost in your though you didn't notice your dad pull up to your new school for a few months or less. The vintage car came to a stop at the front doors where teenagers were seen spilling out across the land.

"Now remember what I told you," your dad started, looking you in the eye. "don't make any friends. Who would want to be your friend anyway? You're just a little ungrateful brat." You sucked in a breath as you tried to hold in tears. Your hands clutched onto the strap of your beat up backpack that you've had since you were 11.

"Okay dad. I promise." You whispered out softly, sliding across the seat to open the door. You reached for the handle but stopped, letting out a yelp as a hand came across your cheek almost as fast as The Flash can run.

"Are you back talking me!" He screamed, spit flying from his ungrateful mouth, his eyes filled with burning rage. You let out a whimper and shook your head no, hoping he would let you get out of the hell you were in for a few hours. Sadly, he didn't let that happen. He gripped your neck and squeezed.

Your hands flew up to your neck and you gripped his hands, trying to weaken the strength of his detonating hand. "You need to shut your mouth unless you want me to whip you!" He screamed in your face. You closed your eyes as he let go and you dropped, your good mood deflated like a popped balloon.

You carefully grabbed your bag and jumped out of the car, speed walking away from the devil himself. As you walked you shifted the collar of your trench coat up so you could hide the oncoming bruises. You felt eyes on you so you glared around, your e/c eyes as dark and mysterious as your soul hidden within the cracks in your heart.

Seeing nothing you continued onward to your first class.
"Okay class, we have a new student today! Why don't you introduce yourself?" The teacher chirped out happily, energy spreading from her and into the sleepy teens. You stared at the class who awaited your speech of arrival.

"I'm y/n." You shrugged and looked down, hiding your hands in the deep pockets of your black trench coat. The teacher stared at you expectantly as if wanting more, like a hungry tiger awaiting the prey he has set his eyes upon. You stared up at her blankly, your stance and eyes not giving away your secrets as you had locked them away deep within your mind.

"Alright," the teacher stuttered, "you can go sit down wherever." You did as she said and walked down the aisle with multiple heads turned towards you. You curled more into yourself, your head going down and your shoulders curling in. After you gracefully sat down into a chair, the teacher started teaching.

"Okay class! Today is just going to be study hall as you all just finished exams. Don't be too loud and don't do anything dumb alright?" You smiled slightly and got out your drawing pad. You may not have been the best, but drawing led your hand to let out the darkest thoughts that were thunderclouds gathering into a storm in your head. After a few minutes you heard a chair squeak through all the noise and a clear of the throat.

"Hey." A voice whispered to you, resulting in you looking up. You saw a boy with brown swept hair, and kind loving eyes, as dark as the midnight sky. You smiled softly at him and closed your drawing pad.

"Hello." You replied calmly and sweetly. The boy closed his eyes and took a deep breath, as though what he was about to say was going to be hard. Once he opened his eyes, his gaze trained on you and didn't turn away.

"I saw what your dad did." He spoke gently, so gently that you would think he was trying to calm down a mother bear when you just killed her cubs. Your jaw locked and you raised your hand.

"Can I go to the bathroom?" Without waiting for an answer you grabbed your stuff and walked out, hearing heavy footsteps padding behind you. You were stopped and pulled into someone's arms.

"I'm here for you if you need it, face down no matter what." The same boy spoke. He looked down a bit to you and smiled. Looking at his backpack, you saw that his name was Sam.

"I'm pretty sure it's hands down, Sam." You giggled softly but darkly. Sam shrugged and turned your chin so you could look at him.

"Whatever. But face down, I will always be here for you. I may not know you, but I do understand what you're going through." The bell rang and you looked at him with hope in your eyes.

"Pinky promise?" You raised your pinky and he linked his with yours.

"Pinky promise."

As you can tell I kind of tried to go off the song but instead of a boyfriend, it was their dad. So yeah. Sorry for this one being so long. Also, if you are ever in a situation like this or any situation at all, message me. I'll be there to help you and comfort you the best I can. I've been in this situation before, not as bad as the person in the imagine, but it is still all the same.

so stay thirsty my friends,
face down, I am here for you no matter what,

Early update for Christmas

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