Castiel x Reader//Love

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Song of choice: Touch- Sleeping At Last

Imagine: you and Cas get married in Vegas haha

a/n: this is a while after the Winchesters so they're dead now oops (don't worry they're in heaven, I sold my soul for them to be there)

New. Happy. Love, love, love. You've been friends for years; angels by each other's side, never leaving. Through thick and thin you stuck with him, and through thick and thin he stuck with you. Through the Winchesters, the apocalypse, leviathans, and being human, you've been together. You couldn't have asked for anything else because Castiel was all you needed. He was everything for you, and you were his everything as well.

Together you have cried; over the Winchesters' deaths, over losing everything besides each other. Together you have laughed; throwing flour all over the bunker, watching Star Wars with each other.

Together is all you need.

And now, you're standing in a cheap wedding dress with a five dollar bouquet in your hands and a cheesy smile on your face, walking towards the love of your life who wore an even cheaper suit but wore a million dollar smile on his face. Today was the day; it may be in a church of Elvis with a pastor who was smoking a cigar, but still it was the day. Anything was amazing as long as the two of you were together.

As you shuffled down the aisle, careful not to trip over the long dress, the only thing you could think about was the angel in front of you. His wings were spread out, welcoming you to come into his arms. Your pure white wings were wrapped around your waist as to not bump them into anything, yet as soon as you came upon the alter they spread and hugged around Cas as his wrapped around you.

"Today in holy matrimony or whatever, we welcome these two souls together for eternity," the pastor started, eyebrows furrowed as he tried to remember the speech, "who will watch over the other and take care of the other forever. Oh shit I don't remember, uh...Today these two are getting eloped in Vegas! Say your vows my people." He let out, his long hair pulled back into a ponytail. You giggled and glanced over to the young pastor before going back to staring at your love for centuries.

"I love you." Cas started, reaching for your hands that had left the bouquet on a table. "I've loved you for centuries and I will love you forevermore. You are all I need, you are all I want in life. I want to spend forever holding your hands and taking you to watch the stars over Greece. I want to show you that all the love in the world has gone from me to you. You are my love, and forever I will show you that."

Tears had started to well in your eyes, a few trailing down your face. Cas smiled softly at you, a hand reaching up to push back some hair that had fallen in front of your eyes.

"Cas, you are everything to me. When the stars start to fade and the world starts to fall apart, I will not leave your side. I don't care where we end up, as long as we end up together. Through thick and thin we've solidered through, and through thick and thin I will stay with you." You smiled and laughed as you heard the pastor sniffle and wipe his eyes.

"Man, that's some sappy shit. Anyways, you may now kiss the bride!" Cas grinned and pulled you closer, his lips softly moving against yours and showing all the love he promised to you and more. Lips molded. Eyes closed. Love, love, love.

Love is all you need.

I cried writing this. That's all I have to say.

stay thirsty my memes,

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