Winchesters x Reader//Angel of Music

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You didn't ask to be an angel. You didn't ask to be hunted down by demons and angels and everything else. You just wanted to be normal, to be happy. You were an archangel, the archangel of music. And you were a damn good one too. You tried to be human, and that left you with a job as a waitress at an old fifties bar.

"Hey, I'm Y/N and I'll be your waitress today. What can I get you?" You chirp in an obviously fake happy voice with an obvious fake cheery smile plastered on your face. The three men who were talking deeply looked up at you, startled that you were there.

"I'll have a cherry pie and a bacon burger with extra bacon." The dirty blonde said with a look of hunger on his face. The obviously tall brunet asked for a salad and the man in a trench coat said he was fine.

"Alrighty. I'll be right out with y'all's orders!" You shuffle away from the table to go give the chef their orders. After a few minutes, the chef gives you the food and you stalk off to your destination. "Here's your food. If you need anything else just ask!" The men turned and looked at you weird, like they were studying you.

"Alright, thanks." The tall man said. You smiled and walked away. "Are you sure she's an angel Cas?" You overhear from the table with the men. Shit, they know. You guess they're hunters. You know the man in the trench coat was an angel by his wings. No wonder they knew.

"Hey, some hot guys just walked in. They're going to one of your tables, can I take that one?" One of your work friends asked excitedly.

"Sure purple head." You laugh as she runs off with her violet hair swishing around behind her. You look at your watch and see its your time to leave. "See you purple head!" You hear a bye as you walk out of the diner, not knowing that the three men you last served were following you.

Considering your car was getting fixed, you either had to walk or call for a taxi. You decided to walk, not wanting to get in a car with a complete stranger who could be a serial murderer. As the soft pitter patter of your feet hit against the concrete, you hear breathing coming from not far behind.

Knowing it's the men, you keep walking. You think they're Winchesters, one of them is named Sam and the other one Dean. You sigh and turn to go in an alley knowing they'll follow along. You get pushed up against a wall with a knife right up to your neck.

"Who are you?" The tall one asked softly. You kept your mouth quiet, not saying a thing. "Again, who are you?" He asked after plenty of silence. Again, you stayed mute. One of the little guys pushed the knife into your neck making you gasp in pain. "Who are you?"

"Who are you?" You answer with a question. With your assumptions correct, they are the Winchesters. You roll your eyes, now there's going to be demons following after you to get to the Winchesters. Great. You have such great luck.

"Now who are you?" Dean asks, the knife pushing a bit farther. You hiss in pain as the knife draws more blood.

"I am Y/N, the archangel of music." You reply. "Now would you please remove this blade from my neck, as it is starting to hurt." You state as you look into Dean's eyes with boredom. Dean removed the knife and steps back, but he's still alert. All of them are. "Now, if you would excuse me, I have to go find a different place to live since demons will be chasing after me now." You snap at the men and proceed to shove past them.

"I don't remember there being an archangel of music." Dean spoke gruffly making you stop in your tracks. You turn around to face him which your eyes narrowed.

"I would know if I wasn't an archangel. And I would know if I wasn't the archangel of music. So if you're just here to test my patience, stop before I zap you off to Antartica." You snap at them, now offended.

"Hey, we didn't mean to offend you. I'm sorry." The tall one, Sam, spoke in a sincere voice whilst his eyes gleamed with apologies. You sigh and wave them off.

"It's fine. Now would you like to tell me what you want with me?" You muttered softly, your eyes focused on the cracked concrete under your toes.

"Actually, we wanted to know if you know what's going on in Heaven? We've heard some rumors that something big is going on, and Cas here, he can't really get in contact." Dean spoke with a cheesy grin on his face.

"I've heard that there's a new angel trying to lead a group of angels against Metatron. Gabriel was his name? Yes, yes that was his name. That's all I know but I'll give you my number in case I hear anything else since I don't want Heaven burning earth." You jot down your number on a piece of paper on your order pad.

"Thank you. We need all the help we can get." Big Foot speaks with a grateful smile gracing his face.

"You're welcome. Now, goodbye." You swish your hand and your gone, leaving the Winchesters and their angel friend left in wonder. Who knew there was another angel to be their friend.

There is nothing to put here for an authors note so...goodbye

*swishes away dramatically*

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