Dad!Sam x Reader//Terrible Twos

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Song of choice: We All Grow Up- Lily Kershaw

Imagine: having twins with Sam that are going through their terrible twos

Requested by shesscretlygorgous16

"Sam! Where's Odette?" You called out across the bunker as you held your eyes on little Thomas who was working on a puzzle. Much work wasn't getting done considering that his favorite cartoon was on in the background. You giggled when he did as the cat chased the mouse. However, your attention turned to Sam as he walked into the living room. You burst out into voluptuous laughter as you stared at his hair that was up in pigtails and the sparkly make up on his face.

"A-Are you wearing a tutu?" You questioned through breathy chuckles that you didn't bother to hide. He heaved out a sigh and sat down next to you, wrapping an arm around her shoulders.

"I finally got her to bed. Please don't be too loud; I'm afraid she'll force me through the princess game again." He muttered, nuzzling his head into your shoulder after he kissed your forehead. You nodded and leaned your head against his as you both watched Thomas who was enraptured by the game of cat and mouse.

"He just started watching Tom and Jerry yesterday, and now he swears its his favorite show." You whispered with a quiet, tired giggle. He smirked before sighing as Odette cried loudly.

"Daddy! There's monsters under my bed!" Sam turned towards you with a pointed look as you raised an eyebrow.

"She called for you, not me. But I'll grab the go away monster spray if you check under the bed." He nodded and stood up, helping you as well.

"Deal, sweetheart." You smiled at the pet name before walking to the kitchen and grabbing the spray bottle that was filled with lemon water which was supposed to reenact monster spray. It was an idea Dean had found out from a mother he interviewed about a case.

"Y/N!" Sam yelled urgently as you dreaded the walk to Odette and Thomas' room. You sped up your walk and tightened your grip on the bottle, grabbing a demon knife from a drawer as you made your way to her room only to sigh out in relief. Sam was hugging a sobbing Odette who wouldn't be quiet no matter how many times your husband tried to make her laugh.

"Aw, is someone scared of his crying daughter?" You giggled and took her from him, tossing him the go away monster spray. He sprayed it under her and Thomas' bed, as well as the closet and every darkened corner. "I know Odette, it's going to be alright. Dad and I will protect you from the scares under your bed, okay?" Odette sniffled and nodded, wrapping her chubby little arms tight around your neck.

"Is sissy okay?" A tiny voice questioned from behind you. Sam turned around and picked Thomas up in his arms with a roar. Odette squealed and turned around in your arms as she pointed at Sam.

"Daddy's a monster! Run! Now Thomas, go!" Thomas screamed and scrambled out of Sam's arms to hug your legs. You, in swift motions, grabbed the go away monster spray and got Sam with it. He dramatically fell to the ground as you, Odette, and Thomas cheered.

"We got the monster!" Odette screeched happily. "Daddy's back!" Sam stood back up and wrapped all of you in a hug after picking up Thomas.

"Sweetheart, you could've told me you had been possessed."

Sorry this is a bit late at night for some of you, but I got it done! This was really fun to write, so I hope you guys enjoy it too! Also, my friends and I have created a collab channel called collabs4you and posted the first chapter to 13 Dates With Death if you want to check that out. It's pretty hilarious if I have to say so.

stay thirsty my memes,

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