Human!Castiel x Reader//All The Way Home

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Song of Choice: I Don't Know What To Do- Pete Yorn & Scarlett Johansson

Imagine: you and Cas steal the Impala for a roadtrip.

Requested by Abinator2302

It was 3 a.m. You and Cas were crouched down in the dark hallways, carrying backpacks and bags and whatever else you had blindly grabbed in your furious moment of rebellion. Sure, this little escape has been planned for weeks, but that didn't mean either of you were ready.

"Did you grab the lotion?" You whispered quietly, peeking your head around a corner before ushering Cas and yourself along with a floppy hand movement. Castiel stayed silent, causing you to roll your eyes. "It's too late to go back now. We can just get it at a convenience store." The sound of a yawn behind you made you freeze.

"What are you guys doing up so late? Why are you carrying backpacks?" The two of you turned around like deer in a headlight, only to see the tall figure of Sam, his hand clutching a pistol filled with silver bullets. He rubbed the back of his head, his hair moving with his fingers as he stared at the two of you in confusion.

"Nothing, go back to sleep Sam. We're just, uh, playing a game! Yeah, playing a game." You rambled, clutching one of your backpack's straps with white knuckles. Sam tilted his head to the side and narrowed his hazel eyes, one hand propping up on his hip in a display of 'really?'

"At three in the morning?" He raised an eyebrow.

"Duh," you rolled your eyes, "when else do you play a game? Now, we need to get back to our... exploring, so, you can go back to sleep now. Nothing to see here!" Sam shook his head and flipped you off, shuffling back toward his bedroom to face plant onto his bed. Both you and Cas let out sighs of relief before continuing on your slightly less ninja-like escape plan.

Once you made it to Baby, the two of your threw your stuff in the backseat and booked it out of there, you cheering in happiness and Castiel holding up two fists in puzzlement as he tried to copy your display of emotion. "Why must I hold up my fists?"

"Because you must!" You screamed, turning on the left blinker before you turned onto the highway. "Where to, Cas? We didn't exactly get this far in the plan." The raven-haired angel shrugged and looked around, pulling out a crumpled up map that was slid haphazardly between the passenger's seat and the door. 

"We could just close our eyes and point?" He suggested in a sort of question. You nodded and glanced at him as he opened the map. Then you closed your eyes and pointed. "Y/N, keep your eyes on the road!" Cas screeched. You opened your eyes and swerved the car back onto the road, smirking in triumph.

"What did my finger land on?" You asked excitedly, risking another look at your angel companion.

"Uh, I think Minnesota." He answered, a finger going over his mouth in thought. "Yeah, that seems about right." You nodded and squeaked out a sound of agreement as you pressed your foot down on the gas. "That was not a human noise."

"Shut up, Castiel or I'll kick you out of the car."


A few hours later, the two of you stopped at a gas station to fuel up Baby and to fuel up yourselves. Whilst you were outside giving Baby some gas, Cas was inside and apparently he was confused about... something. 

"Okay Cas, what did you pick out?" You slowed down your question when you saw Cas holding up a small package.

"Why does this say Trojan on it? The Trojan War ended ages ago." His eyebrows were furrowed and his blue eyes were focused on the package. You tried to hold in your laughter, but you ended up bursting, full laughs leaving you gasping for air.

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