Team Free Will x Reader//Green Diamonds

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Song of choice: A Whole New World-Aladdin

Imagine: being teleported to a new world with team free will

It was a normal day, with Sam in the library on his laptop, Dean and Cas probably fucking somewhere, and you sitting in your room playing sims.

You clicked on the create a sim thing and started making Dean, Cas, Sam, and you. When you got everybody down the best you could, you clicked start game. That's when everything went black.

You woke up with fuzzy eyes and a pounding head, not knowing where you were or if you have been kidnapped like usual. You blinked a few times to clear your vision and you saw the bunker in front of you, except there were no trees around.

"Strange." You mumbled as you stood up from the concrete you were laying on. don't remember there being any concrete near the bunker.

The birds chirped as you scanned your surroundings, hand reaching for your gun only to realize it wasn't there. Your eyes widened when you saw a neighborhood full of relatively nice houses and the bunker was sitting right in the middle of all of them. To say you were freaked out was an understatement. You let out an aggravated sigh and then went to run a hand through your hair, only to be stopped by something poking your hand.

Your e/c eyes went wide and you ran to the nearest window to see your reflection. A scream left your mouth once you saw it. A green diamond. Exactly like the sims.

"Y/n? Was that you?" A voice called making you turn around to see Dean and Sam making their way to you, Castiel following closely behind. You waved your hands erratically in the air before pointing at the diamond above your head. Dean started a jog over to you and embraced you in a hug, attempting to calm you down even though your mind was racing far too much to even be able to stand on your own.

"I-I think I did something bad..." You mumbled, your sentence trailing off as the boys looked at you curiously. Same gestured for you to go on and you sighed, leaning into Dean's side. "So you guys know that game Sims?" You started off, not even waiting for them to answer. "Well I made all of us as Sims and then everything kind of went black. I think I sent us to an alternate universe?"

"I think that may have happened, but you definitely weren't the cause of that." Sam comforted as he could see the guilt start to flood your eyes. You looked up at him and he nodded, assuring you that it most likely wasn't your fault.

"Gabriel's probably behind this." Dean grumbled from beside you, taking his hand from around your waist to run it through his sandy hair aggravatingly. All of you for the exception of Dean stared at the green eyed man incredulously, the same thought running throughout your minds.

He's crazy.

"Sorry to burst your bubble Dean, but Gabriel has been dead for a long time." You pointed out causing to turn his eyes to you. Dean scoffed and crossed his arms over his chest, leaning against the bunker that looked exactly like yours, but wasn't at the same time.

"You guys seriously don't think he has some tricks up his sleeve?" Dean queried, raising an eyebrow. "He is the trickster." His question went unnoticed as you heard footsteps and voices coming nearer to you. All pairs of eyes went wide as four to five people came up to you, two of them holding plates of what looked like fruitcake.

"Welcome to the neighborhood!" A bubbly redhead chirped, pulling you into a hug which you returned somewhat awkwardly. "You guys will love it here!" Her eyes moved to each of you before she laughed. "Oh I forgot! I'm Eliza Pancakes!" Out of the corner of your eye you saw Dean nod awkwardly.

"I'm Y/N L/N." You responded just as cheerful. Maybe if you all played along you could out of this way to happy to be normal town? "These are my friends Sam, Dean, and Castiel Winchester." She nodded and started walking to the front door of the 'bunker,' her equally as excited friends following her. The Winchesters stared at you and you shrugged, following the crowd inside. "If we play along maybe we can get out."

The boys one by one followed after you, opening the door as it had already shut behind you. A black-haired girl with her locks done in pig tails came up to you, holding a plate of fruitcake.

"I'm Liberty Lee! I live right next door." She giggled happily, looking around the place in wonder. "This place is so lavish..." As if she broke out of a trance, she snapped her attention to you and pulled you into another uninvited hug that you reciprocated. "My roommates Travis and Summer couldn't be here, but you'll meet them soon enough!" You nodded at her as she waved you a goodbye and walked over to the boys standing in the corner, obviously uncomfortable. You chuckled before being approached by someone else.

"Hi, I'm Olivia!" A little girl spoke, making you smile at the child-like innocence on her face. "Do you want to hear a joke?" You chuckled at the girl and sat down on the edge of a couch, waving you hands as a go ahead.

"I would love to hear a joke."
The neighbors stayed around for a few hours before turning in for the night. You had a bunch of laughs with little Olivia Spencer-Kim who was quite the goofball. Whilst you had enjoyed the day of friendly chat, the boys had stayed uncomfortable for the whole greeting. You yawned and flopped down on a couch face first causing Dean to chuckled. You all then heard a whoosh of wings and realized Castiel had left.

"Son of a bitch." Spewed from Dean's mouth as he looked up at the ceiling in flames. Sam walked over to you as you watched Dean curse out the angels. He moved your legs so he could slide onto the couch as you both watched Dean with amusement. A few minutes after Dean's assault of words came to a halt, Castiel had appeared again with a slight glimmer in his eyes.

"I have found a way out of here." He muttered before the room was encased in white, engulfing all of you and taking you with it. Liberty looked out the window when she saw a flash of white and shook her head with a chuckle.

"They're nice people Summer. You've got to meet them."

Okay, so this was the extra long extra hell funny (not really) imagine that I posted about my message center thing. Sorry if this is up a bit late, I was a bit too lazy to actually write it lol.

But anyways, anybody up for a part two where they get stuck back in simland?

I had fun writing this, and I had played a LOT of Sims before this was written. *cough cough* seven hours *cough cough.* Haha anyways have a wonderfully weird day!

Edit: it wasn't up as late as I thought it would be go me!

stay thirsty my friends,

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