Dean x Reader//Careful

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Song of choice: Careful- Paramore

Imagine: getting hurt after a hunt and Dean flipping out

It was a simple salt and burn for a young girl named Bailey. She had been murdered and came back for revenge, which y'all were determined not to let that revenge slip through your fingers again and kill someone else. You stealthily walked around the graveyard, watching out for any floating teenage girl. It was a sad case really; young girl falls to her doom, pushed by none other than her friends.

The Winchesters were digging into her grave, attempting to reach the coffin before the lethal girl appeared and put up a fight. Right as the boys went to open the coffin, you were hit by something hard in the back of your head. You let out a frightened scream, turning around and shooting the girl before she could hit you again.

Bailey disappeared as Dean ran over to you, worry present in his emerald eyes. He didn't have time to say anything as he got hit by Bailey's wrath, being flung over and hitting a tombstone. You slowly stood up, finger hovering over the trigger of your shotgun. She looked at you with fury before flinging you back, your body flying into an angel statue. Sam quickly flung salt and a lighter into the coffin, the young girl screaming as she burned up.

"You alright Y/N?" Dean asked, coming to a stand in front of you. He held his side as he helped you up. You were falling in and out of consciousness as you felt Dean carry you to the Impala. The drive back to the bunker was quick as the case was not far from Lebanon. "C'mon, stay with me." Was murmured into your ear and you could only guess it was Dean.

"She'll be fine Dean." You heard Sam from the front seat. You opened your eyes and saw Dean staring into yours, a slight smirk of worry present.

"Hey." You slurred, voice sounding as if you were chewing cotton. You heard him chuckle before you feel unconscious once again.
Light hit your eyes as you slowly opened them. You groaned slightly and went to get up, your body sore. You heard shuffling to the side of you and saw Dean standing up from a chair in the corner of your room and coming to you. You smiled softly but it soon fell as you saw a serious look on his face.

"You got hurt." Dean stated as he helped you sit up. You nodded and he ran a hand down his face. "You shouldn't have hesitated on the trigger Y/N!" he suddenly yelled out, starting to pace around the room. "You could've died!'

"Dean-" You started but he cut you off, a look of anger and passion in his eyes.

"I don't know what I would do if I lost someone else I loved." He suddenly shut up and his eyes widened, looking to you. You opened your mouth to speak but he held up his hand to signal you to not speak. "I love you damnit, I can't let you get hurt!" You stood up and walked over to him. "What are you doing Y/N you need to-" You cut him off with a kiss.

He wrapped his arms around your waist and you wrapped yours around his neck, pulling him closer to deepen the kiss. Tingles scattered on the places his skin touched yours. His minty breath and rustic smell engulfed you as you lost yourself in his lips. After what felt like only seconds you both pulled away, breaths ragged and lips swelled.

"I love you too Dean." He smiled at you and pulled you back in for another kiss. All felt right in the world with you in his arms; nothing could have ruined this moment between to people who were in love.

Okay I know the end of this was really cheesy but I had to. This was the request I got, and I hope that the dude who requested this likes it! I made it a reader insert so everyone could put themselves into it. Also as you can tell, this is very early. OH MY GOD NOELLE WHAT ARE YOU DOING?

Well I have important news. I am going to...


I'M SO EXCITED OKAY AND I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO WEAR CAUSE I HAVE NO MERCH BUT WHO CARES! I'm going with my friend Hannah and we're going to stay in a hotel and swim and it'll be gr8. I also bought a fake plant. And about twelve bottles of glitter.

Don't judge me.

stay thirsty my friends

edit: y'all should listen to Helly Luv she's gr8

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