Sam x Reader//The Trio

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Song of choice: It's OK- Tom Rosenthal  (blame my friend for my addiction with him)

Imagine: Being there when everything happens at Stanford.

You pulled a tuft off your cotton candy as you listened intently to Sam. He was going off on a rant about how much you would like Stanford and how wonderful the people were there. Your friend's eyes were lit up like a little child who was just told they're going to Disney World and you loved that. It was another thing to add to the list about why you loved Sam Winchester.

"You'll have to meet the whole gang and they can convince you even further." He chirped, finally looking down at you. "Please put it in your interests, it'd be great to have you there." Sam gave you puppy eyes which made you laugh and almost drop your cotton candy.

"I'll think about it. I'm not sure what I want to be yet and I don't have enough money, so I'd have figure out how to pay for it. I'm probably just going to go to community college. That's pretty cheap, right?" Your happiness had dispersed once you thought of becoming an adult. Well, you already were an adult at the age of 21 but you had yet to go to college. It took a while to decide what you want to be yet you still aren't sure.

"I just got a loan from the bank." Sam explained. "Seriously, you need to go there. It's no fun without you." He pouted before bumping into your shoulder with a laugh. You chuckled along with him.

"I'll think about it Sam. I promise."

Three months later...

"Y/N I'm so glad you're here!" Was the first thing you were greeted with once you entered Jess and Sam's apartment. You were pulled into a hug by the bouncing blonde which you returned. "Like Sam said, you will love Stanford! It's the best college I can think of." Sam nodded energetically which made you and Jess laugh.

"The school seemed amazing when I took the tour, I just don't want to think about the homework." You stated, drifting off slightly. Jess had run off to somewhere; probably for alcohol because she wanted to celebrate this step forward in your life. Sam unexpectedly hugged you tightly and kissed the top of your head softly.

"I'm so happy you decided to come here. We can be lawyers in crime!" He chirped. Jess came back with beers and you rolled your eyes at the both of them. She slapped you softly on the shoulder and gave you and Sam a bottle.

"To new experiences and a shitload of homework!" You all cheered and clinked your bottles together, eyes bright with happiness and youth.

One month later...

You and Sam stood outside his apartment, tears in your eyes and fire warming your skin. He was sobbing quietly by your side. The love of his life was gone just like that. The best friend you could ever ask for had now shut her eyes and fell unto an eternal sleep. You both were sobbing and hugging the life out of each other. Sam had his face stuffed in your shoulder; it was slightly awkward considering your height difference, but that didn't matter. All you could focus on was the blazing flames that the firemen were attempting to fight.

The fire your friend had lost to.

Three weeks later...

You stumbled down the streets of Palo Alto, shivering in your skin even though it was hot as hell outside. Your two best friends were gone. Jess was off somewhere better, and Sam...he was nowhere to be found. He didn't leave you a letter or a voicemail or anything to tell you where he was and if he was okay. He just left without a trace.

You had shut down. Your phone buzzed day to day with texts of "are you okay" and "we're here for you." If they were here for you, then why didn't they come to your doorstep and show that they were? You didn't understand people. You didn't understand yourself, though most people didn't.

"Hey watch where you're going!" Snapped you out of your daze. You blinked your teary eyes and hurried to the other side of the path so the group of cyclists could get past. You swore you saw one of them send you a worried look but you shook it off. They didn't know you. You'd never see them again. Wrapping your sweater-clad arms around your torso you continued your dreadful walk back to your empty apartment that held nothing but happy memories and bourbon.

Two days later...


"Just shut up already!" You screamed at your phone, throwing a pillow at it. Your phone fell off of the table and landed on the tiled floor with a thud. Tears stained your face as you turned off the tape video of you, Sam, and Jess. That was when you were all together and happy smiles lit up your faces.

You were the only one left of the trio now. The other two were gone. Your phone dinged once again and you let out a soft scream into a pillow, tears falling down from your e/c eyes as they did earlier. You angrily wiped the tears from your face and sighed. Why were you upset over a phone? A stupid phone that would just not stop ringing. You took a glance at the fallen comrade and saw the screen was lit up with a picture of your friend, Sam.

Quickly you got up from the couch, falling to the ground from all the blankets that covered your freezing body. You struggled to get out of the blankets, but before you could, the screen went dark. With a whimper you laid down on the ground, pulling the blankets around you. Your best friend called and you missed it.

With your eyes shut tightly and tears falling down your face, you fell into a fitful sleep.

Six hours later...

"I don't think she's here Sam." Woke you up from your nightmare filled nap. Softly you ran a hand down your face and sighed. That wasn't your Sam. He was gone. A knock at your door sounded and a hopeful voice called out.

"Y/N?" You shook your head and buried yourself deeper into your blankets. The person knocked again and again until you couldn't take it anymore.

"Please stop." You pleaded, your voice coming out weak and soft. They heard you though as the knocking had stopped and you were once again succumbed into silence. Then your door clicked open. You snapped up and saw a man with green eyes walk into your apartment. He had a smirk on his face and a screwdriver in his hand. With a scream you threw the closest object to you which he easily dodged even though a pillow wouldn't do much damage.

"Y/N?" Another man walked in. One that was very familiar. He took in your disheveled and tired appearance and sighed softly. You gulped as he walked closer, your eyes watering for the fifth time that day. It was Sam; your best friend Sam that you had cried for every day since he had left. "I'm sorry." He whispered. You shook your head and shakily stood up.

It was Sam.



So this took a while and it is still vaguely bad, but whatever. Yes, there are a lot of time skips BUT THATS HOW I WANTED IT OKAY

I'm not yelling at you I've just had a lot of coffee and coca cola and puppy kisses today. Also I found a stack of Pokemon cards in my basement and I am v happy with that. I would be happier if I could FIND MY BLOODY DS

hahhahahhahahhahahhahahahahaha I'm not addicted to Pokemon what are you talking about?


stay thirsty my memes,

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