Dean x Reader//Take It To My Grave

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Song of choice: Nothing But The Water- Grace Potter & The Nocturnals

Imagine: protecting Dean.

"You know he doesn't care for you right? He wouldn't die for you like you would for him." The demon spat at you, dragging a knife across your face. You winced slightly and glared at him.

"You know I don't believe you right?" You retaliated, your eyes an icy glare and your breathing ragged. "I know when people like me, I know when they don't. So don't try to tell me if someone doesn't care for me." The demon laughed and looked at your rugged appearance before stabbing you in the leg making you scream.

"You can end all of this right now if you tell me where that goddamned Winchester is." He spoke. "I'll let you go when you do." You shook your head.

"I'll never tell you where he is." You spat out. He punched you and your head whipped to the side. As he was about to hit you again the door flew open.

"Step closer Winchester and I'll kill her." The demon snarled, holding a knife up to your neck. Dean held a look of rage, his hand gripping the demon knife and making his knuckles turn white.

"I don't have to." Dean smirked as you heard wings. You shielded your eyes as Cas killed the demon. "Hey sweetheart." Dean smiled at you as he untied your hands and ankles. Your body fell onto him, not having the energy to keep itself up.

"I missed you Dean."

"I missed you too Y/N. Let's get you home."

Sorry this is so short and sloppy and terrible, but I was already late in updating and I didn't want to make y'all wait any longer. I promise the next one will be better and longer than this one.

edit: wowdidywow wow wow this is short oops

stay thirsty my friends,

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