Dean x Reader//Cold, Sleepless Nights

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Song of choice: Things I Say When You Sleep- Nina Nesbitt

Imagine: your first night after Dean went to hell.

You sat on Bobby's front porch, a hot cup of tea in your hands and dry tear streaks on your face. Your watery eyes glistened in the moonlight, tears ready to fall at any second. It should be you instead of him. That beautiful boy with candy apple green eyes who deserves the world. He didn't deserve this.

But you did. You thought this in your head, your breaths uneven from sobbing erratically only minutes before. You so badly wanted to drown yourself in alcohol, but you knew Dean wouldn't want you to do that. Tears started escaping your eyes and whimpers freeing from your chapped lips.

Why did this have to happen to you? The love of your life ripped away by the enemy. You already had enough sadness in your life, why did you need more? Did you deserve this? Was this karma getting back at you on all those people you couldn't save? You didn't know where Sam was, otherwise you'd be cuddling up next to him whilst he soothed your hair over and over again.

Bobby was in the kitchen, beer after beer in his hand and staying silent. He needed his own grieving time, and you didn't want to disrupt it. Your sobs grew louder as you remembered that Dean would hold you in his arms when you were sad. He would sing you a lullaby and kiss your head, telling you it's was gonna be okay over and over.

He loved you.

You loved him.

But now he was gone. The love of your life, the light in your darkness, your other half, was gone. And there was nothing you could do about it.

You shivered softly, pulling Dean's jacket closer to your body to try and absorb some warmth. Tears glistened against your face in the little light that was there. You closed your eyes and buried your head into his jacket, inhaling sharply.

He was gone.

He was actually gone.

...I have no excuse for this being late. It's just the fact that I'm super(natural) lazy and I've been binge watching Glee and crying over this certain thing happening in Criminal Minds which is breaking my heart. So yeah, just a fangirl in her fangirl state.

Also this is short. I've been on a bit of writers block and running out of ideas, so it would be lovely if you could suggest some. Anyways, how was your Easter? Mine was quite boring and painful for my voice.

I screamed my voice out at a concert last night. Oops. Anyways,

stay thirsty my friends,

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