Gabriel x Reader//Long Time Crush, Full On Tease

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Song of choice: Cherry Pie- Warrant

Imagine: the reader is the Winchester's sibling and Gabriel likes to tease them when the boys are around

Requested by killjoydonna

"No Dean! We're not listening to them, they're terrible." You exclaimed from the backseat as you tore the tape from his hands. He whined before smirking at you in the rear view mirror.

"Fine, Warrant it is." Your eldest brother grabbed another tape and threw it in letting Cherry Pie by Warrant blast through the speakers. You smiled happily and carefully set the tape back in the box. As you leaned over the seats to put it away, you felt a hand on your hip causing you to jump and hit your head against the roof of the car. Sam and Dean laughed at you, though Sam showed some concern as you sat back and rubbed your head. "You alright there kid?" Dean questioned through a fit full of laughter. You smacked the back of his head before giving him an icy glare.

"Your terrible driving skills are the reason I'm probably going to die one day." You stated stubbornly, crossing your arms as you casually looked around the care for any one who could be messing with you. The boys did like pulling pranks on you, but they wouldn't do something like this so you could cross them out.

"Well it's probably 'cause you're not wearing a seat belt." Dean retorted back, taking another glance at you through the mirror before looking back at the road. You scoffed as Sam gazed on amused.

"You're not wearing one either, bozo." You replied with confidence. Your brother chuckled and threw an empty burger wrapper at you which made you smirk. "I win."

"Sure, kid. You sure do." He pronounced sarcastically. You shrugged and leaned back in your seat with a smug expression on your face. Dean turned the music up loud then as he took a drink of his pop. Same read as you watched the world go past through the window, completely mesmerized by it. You suddenly heard a flutter of wings causing you to yelp and hit your head on the roof again. Sam and Dean snapped their heads back to look at you, only to see soothing your head again and glaring at an angel with whiskey eyes. "What are you doing here?" Dean queried rather rudely. He wasn't very fond of the angel, neither he or Sam was.

"Just coming in to check on my favorite daddy issue family!" Gabriel chirped, wrapping an arm around your shoulders which made a blush rise up your cheeks. Ever since you met the trickster, you had a small- no, a very big- crush on him. There was just something about him the got you pulled like a bear to honey. The boys up front rolled their eyes and ignored the angel, not wanting to be suffocated in all his witty comebacks. You ignored him as well even though his arm was around you and his smell was intoxicating.

"How you doing sweet cheeks?" He whispered into your ear. You jumped a bit before turning your head and glaring slightly at him. Gabriel may have been your long time crush, but he had scared you way too many times already in under ten minutes. You attempted to pull his arm from around you but he just kept putting it back. With a sigh you gave up and slumped into your seat.

"Was that you who put their hand on my hip?" You muttered under your breath so only the angel could hear. He gave you an obviously fake confused gaze before taking his arm from around your shoulders and snaking it around your waist. Gabriel chuckled as you pouted. He knew the crush you had on him, so he liked teasing you ever once in a while; or just every time he came to see you. You gave him a puppy dog look that you mastered from Sam before looking out the window. Slowly the angel moved his arm so he was rubbing circles on your lower back causing you to sigh softly and lean back into him. The car suddenly pulled to a stop and Dean turned around toward you.

"Want anything in there Y/N?" He asked. You nodded and told him to grab your favorite drink and flavor of chips. Now you and Gabriel were all alone, he leaned closer to you and kissed your neck. You blushed bright red, unconsciously moving closer to him. Gabriel put his hand on your thigh causing you to squirm. The driver's door then opened and you got a face full of plastic. You picked up the bag that dropped in your lap and opened it, taking the drink from him as well. At least Dean had the decency to not throw that at you.

As you took a chip into your mouth, Gabriel poked your side causing you to inhale the chip and choke on it. Dean snickered causing Sam to slap his arm and look back at you with a caring expression as he handed you his water.

"You okay Y/N? He questioned softly. You nodded as you sipped on his water before putting the cap back on and handing it to him.

"Thanks." You wheezed. Once he turned around you once again glared at Gabriel who had put on an innocent look. "Don't do that Gabe, I could've died."

"But you didn't." He whispered back, putting a hand on the back of your neck and pulling you in for a kiss. After a few seconds you reciprocated it, the shock wearing off and morphing into lust. Gabriel pulled away all to quickly before winking at you and popping out of the car with a flutter of wings.

"What did he want?" Dean looked at you who was flushed with color. You shrugged and forced out a few words.

"I don't know."

Sorry I didn't update yesterday! I was at homecoming lol I looked terrible.

Anyways I hope y'all enjoy this!
(Also I have two more requests to get done, so if y'all want to request anything go for it)

stay thirsty my memes,

*not spellchecked
who do you think I am

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