Sam x Reader//Be My Saving Grace

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Song of choice: Superluv- Shane Dawson

Imagine: Sam saving you.

You weren't normal.

Ever since you were a baby, you showed signs of...supernatural occurrences. Powers actually. The ability to shape shift into whatever you desire.

You hid this from everyone. Your family, your friends, your teachers, neighbors, just everyone. Of course you would. You feared that they would be afraid of you. But that didn't do anything good.

They got killed. Your family did. Because of this unnatural ability. Your friends almost got killed too, but you saved them just in time. And as you thought, they were terrified.

Why were you different? Why did this have to be you? Were thoughts that crossed your mind so many times. Anything would be better than this; than being feared.

But what was the worst part of this whole thing? The fact that you were on the radar of other supernatural beings, more dangerous than you.

"So, tell me why a cute little thing like you is such a disgrace?" A voice called making you flinch in fear. You had been captured, and there was no way out this time.

Ropes bound your wrists and ankles so tight that your skin was raw and weak. Your ankles and wrists were bleeding from trying to break the ropes. You had cuts and bruises all over your body, broken ribs and most likely a sprained ankle too. You were in pain.

But maybe you deserved it. You were, as he called it, a disgrace. An abomination.

"Please, just let me go." You whimpered out, even though deep inside you knew he shouldn't and wouldn't let you go. He laughed, his eyes flicking black as you cried.

"And why would I do that?" The black-eyed man spoke. "Why would I do that when I can have so much fun with you?" He cackled and grabbed your jaw, making you look at him.

"You deserve this. I can tell you know it, too sweetheart." The man slapped you lightly on the cheek and smiled a blood chilling smile at you. It was full of evil darkness.

Is that what you looked like?

"I don't deserve this." You tried to convince him, but you were mostly telling yourself. He rolled his eyes and examined his tray of tools.

"What would you like?" He asked like he cares about your decision. You kept quiet, lip quivering as you tried to hold in your tears.

The door then burst open and a brunet came in with a look of determination on his face. The black-eyed man turned around, an evil smirk on his face.

"Look who decided to join the party." The man ignored him and stabbed him making you gasp. The bad guy lit up and you had to look away as it was too bright. When you opened your eyes your saviour was standing in front of you.

"I'm Sam and I'm gonna get you out of here." He spoke as he cut the ropes off your wrists and ankles. "Can you tell me your name?" Sam looked up into your eyes, his brown ones shining slightly.

"Y-Y/N." You choked out, e/c eyes watering. He smiled slightly and helped you out of the chair you were bound to.

"Well let's get you out of here Y/N." You tried to walk but cried out once you put weight on your ankle. Sam didn't hesitate to pick you up in his arms and carry you out, sniffling nose and all.

He carried your shaking form out to a vintage car and set you down in the back, murmuring words of security. You whimpered slightly when his warmth faded away from you, but didn't complain. You barely knew the man!

You curled up in the back, your matted and bloody hair in your eyes and your fear slowly fading away. To the sound of tires on the road you fell asleep, no dreams to be had and no nightmares to be found.

Time skip brought to you by my friend's new addiction to supernatural

You woke up to the smell of food and fresh air. Slowly opening your eyes, you looked around and saw you were in a motel room. With a small grunt of pain you sat up and claimed the attention of your saviour Sam who was pouring over a book.

"How are you feeling?" He asked, voice caring and soft. You shrugged and looked at him.

"You saved me." You blurted out making him chuckle.

"Yes I did." Sam smiled softly at you, his brown eyes twinkling.

"Why?" Head tilted to the side curiously, you awaited his answer. He took a second to think of a response, before opening his mouth to speak.

"Because that's what I do." You nodded, thinking over his answer.

"Thank you. Thank you for being my saving grace."

Okay, this was a bit boring at the end and I apologize for that, but I'm on writers block right now so I just needed to put something out. And IM SO SORRY DONT HATE ME FOR BEING LATEEEEEE. I was just a bit too lazy and distracted by sims to write. But anyways, here y'all go.

stay thirsty my friends,

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