Dean x Daughter!Reader//New Place, New People

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Song of Choice: Into the Dark- Between Mountains

Imagine: transferring to a new school and falling in love.

Requested by DefenderOfTheWorld07
As a hunter, you expected to move every few months. You never lived in a real home, just a motel room that could fit all three of you. You'd sign up to a school around the area and stay until the hunt was finished. Of course, this only happened when the hunt was supposed to be a long one. If it would just take a few weeks, your father and uncle would leave you back at whatever motel was your home that month.

The time came again as you unpacked your few bags into the drawers of a Motel 66 in Spokane, Washington. You sighed blandly, throwing your empty bags into the corner of the room.

"You ready to go look around, kid?" You smiled at the sound of your uncle's voice and turned around.

"As ready as ever, Sam." He turned back around, expecting you to follow him out to your father's second child, a 1967 Chevy Impala.

With all of you in the car, you began to drive around, admiring the big city. Often you didn't go to big cities like Spokane; you ended up in small towns like Loveland, Iowa, or something like that. But now, here you were, surrounded by mountains and pine trees that smelled heavenly.

"So, we're gonna get you enrolled to this school around the block from our motel," your father stated, eyes switching from yours to the road. "This hunt should take a few months, at the least. Damn wendigos." He muttered the last part to himself, causing you to giggle. He never was good at whispering.

"Don't you think it would be a good idea to call in a few more hunters? There's huge forests here, Dad. Huge forests on huge mountains. There's no way you'll be able to find three wendigos yourself." He raised an eyebrow at you and smirked.

"You doubting my skills, Y/N?" You laughed.

"Oh, you know I would never." He shrugged and pulled into the parking lot of a large, brick building. "This the school?" Your father nodded as all of you got out and headed to the front doors.

The place was mostly deserted, considering it was a Friday afternoon. No kids wanted to stay around, unless they were forced to because of clubs or sports. There were only a few lights on, those including the office where you would be meeting with a counselor to get enrolled. It was the same for every school you went to. You'd arrive in the middle of the year, they'd be a bit confused, but thrilled nonetheless.

The three of you were in and out with your schedule in thirty minutes. Sam and Dean walked ahead of you, letting you take the time to get a feel for the new, unfamiliar building.

"Kid, if you want to explore, well be out in the car." Your dad stated, snapping you out of your entrancement. You nodded and turned left down a hallway with walls covered in windows. There wasn't much different about this school from your last one, besides the fact that it looked much older. It was probably built in the early 1900s with how the bricks were laid out.

"Um, hi." A voice piped up. You turned your eyes to the sound, smiling at a kid with a backpack on his shoulders. "Are you new here?" You nodded. "I'm Chandler." He stepped closer to you, one hand outstretched, the other clutching onto his backpack strap.

"I'm Y/N." You smiled brightly, shaking his hand firmly. "Mind giving me a tour?" He shrugged and smiled a dimpled smile.

"Sure. Come follow me. I'll start from the beginning."

On Monday, Chandler was the first person to appear by your side with a friendly wave. Usually there would be one person that would be more friendly than the rest and would actually try and make you feel welcome. Chandler was the one here.

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