Dean x Reader//Cleaning Frenzy

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Imagine: your mother is coming over to meet Dean for the first time, so you go overboard with cleaning.

"This needs to be dusted, oh that needs to be dusted to!" You muttered to yourself, rushing around to clean everything you could. "Oh, I can't forget the kitchen table." You rush off to the kitchen and grab a cloth and some cleaning spray, and you start cleaning. After about ten minutes, you stared to get really frustrated.

"You're supposed to come off you little son of a bitch!" You yelled at a spot on the table. You heard a chuckle come from the doorway so you sharply turned around with your bitch face activated.

"What are you up to y/n?" Dean queried, obviously amused. That made you snap, you were under so much pressure.

"Well what does it look like?" You sarcastically replied. "My mum is coming over tomorrow and this place needs to be perfect and everything needs to be perfect oh my god what if she doesn't like it?" You panicked, anger disappearing and panic replaced with it.

"Babe it's okay. No need to stress out. I've got you." Dean reacted quickly and pulled you into a hug, kissing your h/c hair over and over again. You cried softly, all the stress finally taking its place.

"What if she doesn't like you?" You queried softly.

"She will babe, don't worry." Dean looked down at you and winked. "By the way, you do realize she's coming over on Friday?" He added.

"Yeah, that's tomorrow." You responded, confused. He only laughed at you and held you closer.

"Today's Monday, babe. Take a rest." He replied.

"Oh." You just stood in his arms numbly wrapping your arms around his torso. "So I've been cleaning for the last four hours and it won't even matter because it'll get dirty anyways?"

"Yes you did babe." Dean chuckled. You slapped his chest softly, giggling.

"Why didn't you tell me then?" You questioned.

"You kept bending down to clean the low places, like I was going to miss that." He whispered in your ear, making you shiver.

"I hate you." You muttered, trying to cross your arms.

"I love you too, babe." Dean responded with a wink.

stay thirsty my friends,

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