Dean x Reader//Arrival

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Song of Choice: Hit Me Baby One More Time- Britney Spears

Imagine: Dean expecting a baby

Requested by BelleZombie

This was...weird. You couldn't bend forward without wanting to puke, you wanted to eat ice cream with beans yesterday. It's like you've lost all your morals. However, in actuality, it's Dean who has lost every ounce of dignity he ever had. The funny part? He doesn't even care.

"Are you sure you're okay?" Dean slurred out nervously, eyeing your round stomach as if the baby would just pop out right then and there. "It's one week past due. Should we get you a c-section? Is this bad? What if you die?" You rolled your eyes at your husband and patted his shoulder as you strutted past him to the sink to wash your hands.

"I'm fine Dean, and no, I don't need a c-section. This happens a lot; most of the time they don't come out on the exact birth date. That's just an estimation. It's all oh-" Then you screamed loudly, causing Dean to go into a panic.

"Oh my god are you okay? Are you having the baby? We need to get you to the hospital!" He stopped his ramblings when you burst out laughing, placing a hand over your heart as if that would calm down your laughter. Dean glared at you as your burst died down into chuckles.

"Oh my god, you're going to be a dad. This is great- you're more nervous than me." You grinned at Dean as he crossed his arms and sighed.

"You're evil, you know that?" He ground out through clenched teeth, even though there was a sparkle in his eyes.

"I guess Crowley has rubbed off on me." You chirped, finally turning on the water and washing your hands.

"I'm going to go take a nap. Scream if the baby comes out." Dean grumbled, shuffling out of the kitchen to go to his bedroom. You barked out a short laugh and shook your head as you started on the dishes. Once you finished cleaning you huffed out a sigh and ambled around the bunker, looking for something to do. In the end, you settled on watching a random show on the television which turned out to be Friends.

"So no one told you life was gonna be this way..." you clapped three times in beat to the theme song. "Your job's a joke, you're broke, your love life's DOA-" your eyes widened as you felt a rush of water spurt down your legs. "Oh, it's time. It is time." Mumbled out of your mouth as you stood up, holding onto your stomach.

"Dean Winchester!" You screeched, causing your husband to come running into the living room with his gun pointed.

"What, what is it?" He was alert as he observed the room, soon putting the gun down when he realized there wasn't a threat. "Why did you scream?"

"This baby is coming right now, Dean." You ground out as you bit back a scream when you felt a contraction. Dean chuckled and shook his head, pointing a finger at you.

"I'm not falling for that again." He smiled softly at you.

"Dean Winchester I am not joking this time! If you don't get me to a hospital soon, I will push this, baby out onto the floor and make you clean up the mess!" You yelled even louder than before. Dean's eyes widened once he realized you were serious.

"Oh- oh god, lets go, let's go, let's go!" Dean ran back into his room and grabbed Baby's keys before ushering you out the door. "Sam! Meet us at the hospital." He hollered before slamming the door shut behind him.

"Dean, this baby is fat!" You whined as he helped you into the backseat.

"Um, it's a-alright. We're going to get to the hospital in no time. Just, uh, keep that baby in 'till we get out of this baby, okay?" You rolled your eyes at his attitude and screamed at him to drive faster.

"Winchester I need a shit ton of Advil!" You groaned as the baby tried to force its way out again. "Cause your child is stronger than you are."

"Are you insulting me?" Dean gasped jokingly as he pushed the gas pedal to the floor. In the rear view mirror, he say your death stare and gulped. "Okay, no jokes when the baby's inside of you. Noted. How about after this we have some baby back ribs?"


Surprise! The baby wasn't fat. They were twins!

I'm not too busy at work, so I had time to write this. The format might be a little off because this is on my phone, but whatever! Also my dad said he'll talk to my mom about Supernatural Con when it gets closer to the date.

Maybe she'll change her mind by then, who knows? Maybe if I tell her about all my problems, she'll let me go!

stay thirsty my memes,

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