Crowley x Reader//Can't Help It

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Song of choice: Can't Help Falling In Love With You- Elvis Presley

Imagine: hating Crowley until you get to know him

Requested by wenzel2003

"No." You snapped, crossing your arms. "I would rather become a demon than try to get on his good side." Dean rolled his eyes and raised an eyebrow.

"It's for the greater good! If you get the information out of him, it could save the world." You stuck up your nose and shook your head.

"If; you said if. There's no for sure way that we will get the information." You stated, glaring intensely at the Winchester. "I've only spent five seconds with that guy, and I hate him. I would rather be stuck in purgatory for the rest of my life than go flirt with him."

"Y/N, please."


"I'll buy you your favorite food."

"N to the O."

"...I'll let you drive Baby." He said kind of reluctantly. You closed your mouth and stayed silent before sighing loudly and throwing your hands up in frustration.

"Fine! But you better stay true to your word. If you aren't, I'll key her." You threatened, making him gulp visibly. Dean nodded timidly and gave you a book and a pencil.

"Have at it." He encouraged in a strained voice. You pointed two fingers at your eyes before turning them towards Dean. With that, you stomped to the room Crowley was in. You put on a smirk and opened the door before sauntering in.

"Hi." You purred, causing him to raise an eyebrow. "So," you started, pulling up a chair to sit on, "how's life?"

"Not very good, considering I'm tied to a chair." He responded calmly. "You?"

"Decently well." You crossed your legs and leaned forward, discreetly tugging on your shirt. "I'm guessing you know why I'm here.

"I do. Just so you know, flirting with me is not going to get you the information you need." He smirked as you let down the façade and put on a frown.

"I told you, Winchester!" You yelled, standing up. You leaned your hands on the armrests that were on Crowley's chair and pushed forward so your face was flush to his. "Look, we can do this the easy way or the hard way. You choose." Crowley stared at you with that ever present smirk.

"I'll take whichever way involves you closest to me." You scoffed and rolled your eyes before leaving the room and slamming the door behind you. When Dean saw you angrily pacing the living room, he laughed.

"What the hell, Winchester?" You spat, stopping your pacing so you could stare him straight in the eyes. "Why would you put me through that torture?" He chuckled and pat your shoulder. You swatted him over the back of his head with your hand.

"Ow! That was uncalled for." Dean rubbed his head before smiling softly. "Did you get any information?" You shook your head and crossed your arms as you pouted.

"You forced me through pain for what? Nothing! I hate you, Winchester." He laughed once again and ruffled your hair before walking off. "Idiot Winchester, I outta..." You sat down on the couch and continued to mumble profanities.

Minutes later, Dean left to go out to a bar and you got curious. You stood up and cautiously walked over to the room Crowley was in. When you opened the door, he looked up.

"Back for more, sweetheart?" He smirked. You were about to close the door again, but he stopped you. "Wait! I'm sorry for upsetting you. It gets lonely here all alone, so I need someone to infuriate." You pulled up the chair you had used and sat so your legs were on each side and your hands were leaning on the headboard.

"So, what does the King of Hell get up to when he's chained up?" You joked, giggling. Crowley rolled his eyes and leaned forward as far as he could go.

"Not much. I'm guessing you're the famous Y/N I always hear the boys talking about." You shrugged at his statement and laid your head on your arms. "My guess is correct. So, darling; would you ever date the King of Hell?" Your eyes went wide and you coughed.

"W-What? N-No, why would I? You stammered out. He chuckled and motioned you forward. You quietly got up and came towards him. Crowley leaned close to you and smirked.

"I don't believe that was the truth."

And months later, that was the one sentence that brought you closer to him. You hadn't told the Winchesters yet as you knew they would freak out. You were dating Crowley; why wouldn't they?

Crowley had finally escaped without the Winchesters help, and every once and a while, he would come down to visit you. Today, the boys were gone, which meant he could come.

"Hello, darling." A voice piped up from behind you. You turned around with a wide smile and wrapped your arms around him. "I missed you."

"I missed you too." He pecked you on the lips and peppered kisses across your face. You giggled and stood on your tiptoes so you were close enough to see every fleck of colors in his eyes. "What has Hell been up to?" You queried gingerly, watching him with loving eyes.

"The usual; deals, torturing." He replied, leading the both of you towards the couch. You leaned your head on his shoulder and sighed happily. The two of you were silent, enjoying each other's company. Moments later, the door opened.

You jumped up and Crowley disappeared as the Winchesters walked in. "H-Hey, guys." You stuttered, putting on a forced smile. "I have a question."

"Shoot." Dean nodded, stuffing his face with chips.

"So, if I were dating someone that you didn't like, would you hate me?" Sam raised an eyebrow as Dean crossed his arms.

"Who is the person that we don't like?" Sam questioned softly. You cleared your throat and observed the ground intently.

"Um, Crowley." You muttered. When you glanced back up, you wanted to laugh at the looks on their faces. However, this was no laughing moment as they both looked infuriated.

"Are you kidding me? How could you fall for that douchebag?" Dean exclaimed, eyes wide. You shrugged.

"I don't know! But I did." You could tell Dean wanted to argue with you on this, yet Sam stepped in before he could.

"Do you love him?" He asked in his calm voice. You nodded timidly. Sam sighed and glanced at Dean who had an expression of helpless anger. "I don't like it, but you can't choose who you love." He quietly stated.

"I guess I'll deal with it to. But don't think I won't hesitate to rip him limb from limb if he hurts you." Dean stated seriously, rolling his eyes.

"Good, I wouldn't want it any other way." You smiled.

This sucks, this sucks, this really really sucks! But I don't care!

I just planted nine plants, and I still have so many more to plant. I LOVE LIFE


stay thirsty my memes,

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