Teen!Dean x Reader//The Tale of Two Loves

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Song of choice: Youth- Daughter

Imagine: it's prom night and your date, Dean Winchester, is late to pick you up. This results in a catastrophe that could have been missed if he was on time. Or could it have?

Requested by the best person ever smolbeaninabeanie

a/n: by the title you think it's going to be fluff, don't you? WELL IT'S NOT!!!! FEEL THE PAINNNNNNNNN

You took a glance at the clock again, sighing irritatedly. He was late. With a huff, you plopped yourself down on the couch, flattened down your formal clothes and crossed your arms with a pout. When he asked you to prom, you knew that with his limited time awareness, he would not get here on time. Yet, you still felt somewhat angry.

However, that anger disappeared the second your doorbell rang. You hurriedly got up, nearly tripping in the process of running towards the door. You didn't bother to hide the fact you had just run to see him when you opened the door with a wide smile. "Hey, Y/N." He muttered, a shy smile playing on his lips. "I'm sorry I'm late; I had to fight my dad for the car."

"It's fine! Let's just get out of here and get some punch before someone spikes it." You giggled and ran back to the sitting room to grab your bag. "By the way, you look very dashing."

"Why thank you, my sweet." He bowed before leaving his arm out for you to hook yours with. "You look mighty swell as well." Dean watched you with his twinkling eyes before opening the passenger door for you, shutting it once you and all the fabric of your clothes were in.

"Why don't you just get a car of your own, Dean?" You queried as the boy in question started up the car. Your question was answered with closed eyes and a moan as Dean patted the wheel.

"Because the sound Baby makes is just so sweet." He murmured, opening his eyes with a cheeky smile blanketing his face. You rolled your eyes and hit him lightly on the shoulder as he pulled out of your driveway.

"I'm beginning to think you're cheating on me with this car." You joked. Dean chuckled and took your hand in his, intertwining your fingers.

"Don't you know it, Baby." He replied in a cheesy tone, taking his eyes off of the rode for only a few seconds. Your eyes widened as you reached for the wheel and swerved out of your lane that a small car was driving the wrong way in. Dean took back the car and slowly went back into your lane.

"Why was that car driving in the wrong lane?" You breathed out heavily, trying to steady your breaths with a hand over your heart. Dean shrugged and placed his hand to the one on your heart.

"They were probably drunk or high." He responded, his voice unusually steady for nearly getting in a wreck. "At least we didn't get hit." As soon as Dean voiced his thoughts, blue and red lights flew past you, siren wailing, causing you to chuckle.

"At least they'll get what is coming for them. The officer was driving in a frenzy." Dean laughed and smiled a bright smile that made your heart go crazy. "Dean," you whispered after a few seconds of serene silence, "I love when you smile."

"I love when you smile too, sweetheart." His eyes widened, and before you knew it, the same car you just passed rammed into your car and threw you off the road. Dean kept one hand on the wheel and tried to fix the mess that drunk driver just created as his other went over you to protect you.

There was no slow motion screaming; there was just the screech of the car and silence. Dean opened his eyes and unbuckled his seat belt, falling to the top of the car and hitting his head with a thunk. They had rolled upside down. He turned his head to look at you, causing terror to spread a shiver throughout his bones. Your eyes were glazed over, blood trickling from your head as you sat motionless.

"No, no, no..." He whispered over and over again, carefully getting out of the car and going over to your side to pull you out as well. Dean heard the same sirens from before, yet he ignored them. All he was focused on right now was you. "Y/N, you have to wake up." He held you in his arms as tears started to stream down his face like a trickling waterfall, sliding down his chin and landing onto your chest.

"Kid, are you alright down there?" A voice questioned, causing Dean to shake his head. "Emergency is coming, I already called them. Hang tight, kid." The sandy brunet shook his head again, holding you tighter.

"It's already too late." He muttered, voice cracking in pain. "She's already gone."

I hope you enjoy what my ill mind comes up with, Saint Jimmy. Also, I'm going to Minnesota this weekend!! I'm excited! I haven't gone traveling in forever.

ANNOUNCEMENT: since I've gotten so many requests, if any of them are similar, I'm probably going to put them into one imagine.

stay thirsty my memes,

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