Chapter 67

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*Bawdy's POV*

It's nearly seven in the morning at this point. I haven't left, and I can't. Not without seeing her myself and knowing that she's fine. Finally, I spot her parents walking back into the reception area.

"How is she?" I say, jumping up from my seat. I'm exhausted and need to sleep, but I'm running on pure adrenaline and fear.

"You're still here?" Her dad asks with skepticism.

"I would never leave her," I say. I meant in terms of leaving her alone in a hospital, but I hope that they generalize it to know that I'm not going anywhere.

Her dad exhales. "She's fine, and she's awake now. She has a concussion, but she'll be all better with a bit of rest. Now if you'll excuse us, we're going to get some of her things and come back to get her after they finish another test."

Thank God. "I need to see her." I don't even ask if I can. She's an adult. It should be up to her on who visits.

"She doesn't want any visitors. She's very tired and is with a doctor right now," her mom interjects.

"Did you tell her that I'm here?"

"Yes, and it sounds like you're the last person who she wants to see." My heart drops to my stomach. This can't be right.

"Are you sure? Is she on some medication? Are they sure that she's all right?" What if the head injury is worse, and she lost a bunch memories. Why the fuck wouldn't she want to see me?

That seems to fire her mom up even more. "The only thing that she's 'on' is the cocaine that they found in her system. I don't even have to wonder who gave it to her." She scoffs. "You could have killed our daughter."

I want to scream that it's not the coke that caused her to hit her head, but I think I'd just be digging myself into a deeper hole. Shit, I hope they don't lecture her too hard about that one. She didn't even have that much. I'd never let her have more than she can handle. But of course they're going to freak out over this.

"I'm sorry," I say softly. I don't have much of parental figures in my life anymore, so it's making me even more uneasy to be talked to like I'm a little kid. I shouldn't even be apologizing to these pricks. "I just want to see her, please."

Her mom nudges her dad in the arm, and he starts talking. "Listen, she doesn't want to see you. We don't want you seeing her. Don't be here when we get back. It's what she wants."

And with that, they walk heavily towards the door, being followed by their sleepless night.

I want to rip my hair out. Punch a wall. Rip down the doors in between us. But, most of all, I want to wrap Gianna into my arms and tell her that everything is going to be okay.

I thought everything was going fine with us. I can't believe that she wouldn't want to see me. I don't like letting anyone tell me what to do, but if it's what Gianna wants right now... I don't know. It just doesn't feel right leaving her.

Pulling my phone out of my pocket, I turn it back on. I was getting down to 20% and decided to turn it off and preserve battery until I really needed it. As suspected, I have way too many missed calls and messages.

I don't want her parents to hate me more than they already do, and if she really doesn't want me here, I guess I'll leave. As I'm about to call for one of my drivers, I get an incoming call from Chelsea. I should just get this shit show over with and answer it.

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