Chapter 58

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Chapter 58 


"Good Lord!"

Gloria opened the door of the Inn to see Isabella and a blood soaked Drake.

"Come in, come in."

The two entered. Simon who was passing by took one look at drake and nearly dropped his pipe.

"Good Lord!" 

"That's exactly what I said. What the devil happened with you two?"

"I'd rather not talk about it."

Just then the doors to the Inn opened again and Babs, Austin and Amber entered.


Isabella put up her hand and all questions ceased.

"Where is Onyx?"

"Upstairs with Mr. Vane sweetie." 

Gloria said pointing her upstairs.

"Young man, why don't you wash that nasty stuff off?"

Gloria took Drakes hand and led him off and Simon rolled his eyes and stood behind the counter of the bar.

Isabella went up the stairs and the three remained. Simon cleared his throat puffing smoke.

"Well, don't just stand there. I'd say this is a good time for a drink." 


"Really I'm fine." 

"Are you sure? You still look antsy to me."

Onyx shook her head as Nathaniel narrowed his hazel eyes at her.

"Alright. Don't blame me if you go around trying to eat people."

"Old Sod."

"Bloody cannibal."

She snickered despite herself and Nathaniel smiled.

"Where is your mermaid?"

"Playing with her kids somewhere. Or messing with that new bloke."

"The Second?"

"Aye. I think she fancies him."

They heard a light knock at the door.

"Come in."

Isabella entered the room as pale as death.

"Hello! Haven't seen you all day. Were you able to persuade him then?"

"There were snags. A bunch of hunters came after us. They were chasing Austin and Amber too."

"Are they alright?"

"Yeah. They're with Babs downstairs."

"Good. Then why do you look so disheveled?"

"The man is an absolute barbarian. I thought I was going to throw up."

"What did he do?"

"He cut off a man's head and ripped off a man's leg (so to speak) then he tortured the latter."

Nathaniel and Onyx exchanged glances.

"Wow. Sound effective."

" Nathaniel!" 

The two ladies said in unison. Nathaniel just shrugged.

"I'm just saying."

"It's sickening. Where is Lewis?"

"With your mother and The Second in his room. I think the witch is in there too."

The young woman left without saying a word. As the door closed Nathaniel looked at Onyx.

"Strange child." 

"She's not strange. She's just different."

"Different? A Snake-man that can't stand a bit of violence here and there?"

"He cut off a man's head!"

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