Chapter 34

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Chapter 34 

TheBigKC: gosh this is gonna be a long book. 


Morrigan Tate stared at her reflection in the mirror. 

She was old. Her white hair fell to the floor around her and her once blue eyes were now glazed over with the graying film of blindness. 

She touched the ancient, sagging skin of her face, with a gnarled and spotted hand.  

The green robe she wore hung loose from her lanky frame. 

She looked into the mirror and saw nothing. 

In the Human world that is. Before her was an ever expanding void of darkness that was filled with fog and soot. 

She could not see herself in the mirror as she was, she could only see the figure of the person who had entered her world and was enlisting her aid. 

"What will you give me?"

Morrigan, asked as her blind eyes swept over the figure before her. 

"What do you want?" 

The figure asked. 

"I want what gives you life...and What gives me my youth." 

"You want blood?" 

The phantasm grew clearer with every word that was echanges between them and she could just barley make out the cold grey of his eyes. They were like Flint and seemed to slice into her soul. 

"Yes. I want the baptism." 

The spector said nothing for a moment. 

Then Morrigan could feel the touch of someone's fingers to her lips. Something warm and hot spilled past them and her dry tongue lapped at the long awaited moisture.  

Almost immediately she was thrust into the world of the living and. Came face to face with a brown-haired beauty, with blue eyes and hair as long as a rainbow. 

She blinked when she realized it was her. 

Gone were the spots on her hands and gone were the wrinkles on her skin. 

Her now well endowed body fit the gown she wore, like a glove and she heard a sharp gasp from behind her.

She turned to see the wide-eyed stare of Henry, the little boy from across the street.

"Hello Madame!" 

He said wide eyed as he stared at the buxom beauty before his young eyes. 

"It's been very drafty lately and my mother was wondering if she could bother you for a blanket or two?" 

"That would be fine." 

She heard herself say. 

"Thank you Ma'am. You look real lovely today too." 

She let a smile form on her face as she bowed her head. 

"That is fine too." 

The young lad's face burst aflame with a fiery red on his cheeks before he ran off to find one of the servants.

Morrigan turned to the mirror and saw the figure standing behind her. 

She could feel the figure grasp her shoulder, but she turned to see no hand there. 

She looked back into the mirror. 

"I have been sated. What is it that you desire?" 

"There will be a woman looking for you soon. A pirate you can say." 

"A woman pirate?" 

"The very same. When you here word of her seek her out and bring her to your home." 

"Is that all?" 

"No. It would be wise for you to visit the market place tomorrow morning. Buy what ever you wish, stay there until nightfall. I shall meet you there."

The phantasm in the mirror turned to leave, but she turned and grabbed at a hand that felt terrifyingly real. 

She looked up to see the phantasm standing in her very room, staring back at her. 

She could feel the cold, lifelessness of his skin. 

"I don't even know your name..." 

The phantasm thought for a moment. 

"Call me....Drake." 



It's short I know, I'm sorry.

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