Chapter 43

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Chapter 43 

(Note: It's coming to an end I promise. Be patient with me.) 


Down the street and you take the third right. Perfect directions to a quaint little blacksmith's shop. 

A short, burly man with shocking white hair, stood outside the shop smoking a pipe. 

Lewis walked up to him and struck up a conversation with the gentleman. 

The latter smiled and told Lewis of a woman named Morrigan Tate. She lived just outside of town in a huge manor out in the woods.  

Lewis thanked the man, who was called Mr.Jackson. 

He was even nice enough to let his coachman taxi then over to the house, since it was getting dark. 

He was thanked again and the three rode up to a beautiful home, made almost entirely out of wood, with a green roof.

The only neighbor seemed to be a the small cottage of a settling family that lived on the land of the estate, although it was a little ways down the dirt road. 

They stood in fron of the massive doors and the blacksmith's coach man, a negro by the name of Willie, was kind enough to wait for them until their business was done, seeing that the boss was fixing to close up shop anyway.

Onyx, grabbed a hold of the giant, metal knockers and slammed then into the door. It was a loud, thumping knock and it was shortly answered by a butler in white gloves and tails.

"You are mighty loud you know."

"Hello, I'm sorry but may we speak to the Lady of the house?"

"I'm sorry but the Lady is out. She won't be back till late."

"She ain't here? Dammit..." 

Onyx rolled her eyes, as she snatched the linen cap off of her head, surprising the elderly gentleman at the door.

"Will it be long, until she get home?" 

"We have no way of knowing that. The Mistress is a sort of free spirit; she comes and goes as she pleases."

"But, we really have to speak with her, it's life or death." 

"I doubt it's that serious. Have a good evening."

He started to close the door, and Onyx caught it, stepping forward and glaring down at the man. 

"You have no idea how serious this all is."

The old man hesitated before rolling his eyes. 

"Fine. I'm sorry but I do not know you well enough to ask you to wait here. Can you at least understand my position on that?"

"I understand." 

"Good. I know for a fact that Mrs. Tate will not be running any errands tomorrow morning. Get here early and you'll probably be granted an audience." 

"That's great! Thanks old man."

"Phillip O'Keefe. Who should I say is calling?" 

"Onyx de la Fluer."

"Fancy name for a slave." 

"I ain't a slave." 


"More like liberated. Thank you very much. I shall return tomorrow."

"Good evening then Ms. Onyx de la Fluer." 

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