Chapter 24

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Chapter 24


"It's too damn cold in here! "

A lackey by the name of Richard shivered as he stood on the deck of the Scythe. The cave was dark and damp, and a chilling wind would frequently blow straight through his bones.

"Cease this constant complaining would you? We are in a cave after all."

That was his watch partner Arsham.

He was a tall, lean guy with a ring in his nose. Why the hell anyone would want a ring through his nose was anyone's guess but Richard kept to himself.

"Hey Mate?"


"Aren't ya kind of alarmed that the Captain has stripped Babylon from being a pirate lord?"

The strange Persian man shrugged.

"Not really. As long as Captain Babs ain't dead I really don't care."

"You..uh don't really care about a lot of things don't ya?"

"What a sad life you lead Arsham."

The two guards turned their fire arms towards the voice that had interrupted their conversation.

"Who goes there?"

The female captain of the black ship, stepped forward out of the darkness. Richard pointed his rifle directly at her chest.

"Well if it isn't the thief returned?"

"Hello Madame Captain."

Arsham said not lowering his gun.

"Arsham. I have Babs."

"Oh do you now? I don't see him."

"He's on the way."

"Oh? What does that have to do with me?"

Richard stared at his companion in disbelief. Arsham was sitting there conversing with one of the most dangerous pirates in the seven seas, as if they were old friends.

"Mate, we gotta go tell the Captain."

Arsham acted as if he hadn't heard him.

Onyx de la Fluer, smiled at the strange Persian man.

"I am unable to reach my ship, so I want to steal this one."

Arsham raised an eyebrow.

"You want to steal the Scythe?"


Without a further word he slammed the but of his rifle into Richards face and knocked him out cold. Arsham sneezed a bit, due to the chilly cave atmosphere, and smiled at Onyx.

"So? What's the plan?"


The Reaper man sat within his quarters staring at the incompetent

Huntress who sat before him.

"I thought I told you to sink the ships?"

She shot a glare in his direction.

"I did."

"Then why does the Noir still float?"

"There were...complications."

He rested his chin upon his hand.

" What complications?"

She hesitated as if she was going to say something painful.

"My people failed to kill the demon."


"The Male snake man. He proved a difficult foe, therefore we could only booby trap the ship."

"Well that makes you a fool. You underestimated your opponent."

Alexandria scoffed at him.

"Your one to talk. You had the Captain in your clutches and lost not only her but the permit as well. So if anyone here is a fool it is you Reaper."

Before, the Captain could retort, there were the sound of gunshots and yelling.

They both turned towards the doors.

"What the hell?"

The Reaper got up from his seat and opened the doors.

The sight was truly unbelievable. Almost the whole Reaper crew plus half of the crew from the Nebachanezzar.

Arsham, first mate of the Nebachanezzar, had Onyx bound and at gun point.

He grabbed her shoulder and threw her to the deck before the Reaper's feet.

"Take a look at what I caught Captain."

He grabbed a fist full of her hair and yanked it back, forcing her eyes to stare up at the the Reaper.





1,000+ reads. Whoop!

Sorry about the delay I has writer's block. In the next chapter we delve into the relationship between Onyx and John.

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