Chapter 17

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Chapter 17. 

So how about I already type this chapter and accidentally deleted it? Now I gotta type it all over again. Damn. 


Normal people, like you and me, steer clear of the mysterious island called Malgosia. Some say it is full of nothing but beggars and thieves. However, they would be wrong. On this island lies the most deadly group of human beings that have ever walked the face of this earth. 


Not even the Naval force dared to enter Malgosian waters in fear that they would have to deal with a man called the Reaper; a man who claimed to be pirate king. These bloodthirsty knaves only answered to him. 

Out of all the pirate heads that met up on the strange and magical island, only one seemed to have the power to oppose him. 

Her name was Onyx de la Fluer, the dragoness of the sea. 


Isabella followed closely behind Vane, minding the large roots that littered the jungle floor. 

" we are madam." 

The two came upon the opening of a cave.  

"This is it?" 

"Aye, Madame." 

Vane, led her by the hand to the cave opening. 

"You'll find yer lady captain down there." 

He pointed to the vast darkness that covered the far back of the cave floor. 

"I have to go...down?" 

"That would be the only way to get to the Scythe ma'm." 

Isabella gave him a sharp look that said, there was no way in hell she was gonna walk into a dark cave by herself. Snakeman or not. 

"Oh..silly me I almost forgot." 

He gently pushed her aside and cleared his throat. 

"Madame? Are you aware of the law of Gravity?" 

"Yes. What goes up, must always come down." 

"Or what comes down, one day went up." 

Before, she had time to comment on the ridiculousness of the statement a flight of stairs appeared before their feet. 

"This way Madame." 

She stared at him. 

"Is everything on this island magical?" 

"Only the things that matter Ma'am." 


The former Dominion slept restlessly. Before his eyes were figures of blood and carnage. His dreams...turned to nightmares. 

He was standing on the balcony again and below him stood, not and angry crowd of Snake-men, but a perilous sea of clouds. The wisps of air swirled and howled at his feet, as they quarreled with the thrashing sea below. Suddenly in the midst of the clouds the Billowing sails of the Noir broke through and was bashed about as if flew its course. With out being totally in his right mind, the former Dominion jumped off the balcony, and with the grace only befitting a king, landed with a hard thunk onto the deck of the flying ship.

What he saw confused him greatly.

On the deck was the crew, frozen in place. Each woman had a look of complete terror on her face and at the helm was the Captain. Her otherwise lovely face was cemented in ferocious furry and her eyes almost seemed to bleed fire. The wind whipped the tails of her coat about as if they were sails and her long, braided hair was a loose. This gave her the appearance of her namesake; The Dragon of the Sea. 

As if, that wasn't enough, the former Dominion could see nothing of his children.  

Amongst all this chaos he saw him. 

Entangled amongst the shrouds of the Foremast, was the man called The Eighth. 

He clung on, for what looked like dear life. 

After, all of his dream-like encounters with the 8th, The former Dominion had never seen his future son-in-law in such a state. 

Suddenly the young man turned to look at the older one, and his mouth went agape. Almost as if he had seen a ghost. 

"Your highness?" 

Despite the roaring wind, The former Dominion heard the young man very clearly. 

"It is I. What has happened here? Where is my daughter?" 

Rain began to fall and the hard, wet drops could be hear in the hard wood of the deck. 


"What? Gone?!"

That is when the former Dominion realized that this was yet another one of his visions of the future. 

"Sir, we will find her. I swear." 

With the greatest amount of effort the young man bowed as low as the wind would let him.  

This was startling. This was a side of the 8th that the former dominion had never seen.  

"Why do you speak to me so familiarly? You have never seen my face till this day." 

"Sir, you are wrong." 

"No. At first glance you said to me your highness." 

"I have never met you."

"I don't understand..." 

It was at that moment that the wind stopped, and as if it were in slow motion, the ship began to fall out of the sky and the crew began to come back to life.  

"Sir, the first time I saw your face, it was impaled on the gates of the building of judgement." 


Antonio awoke with a start, Jolting up into a sitting position. 

His wife slept beside him breathing softly; unmoving.

There, standing in the light of the moon was his second son. 

The boy smiled at him.

"Hello father, not sleeping well?" 



Gosh I really need to update more. 

Sorry for the delay, IB testing is coming up and all Mu teachers are on my butt about studying. 

Thanx for reading, chapter 18 should be coming soon.

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