Chapter 9

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Don't fuss and whine, here's chapter 9! 

I've done it folks! 100 reads! Now all I need are some comments and some votes. That would make The Big KC very happy...I'm just sayin. 


The castle was all a glow; lights erupted from every window and every crack. 

It surely was a sight to see. 

"Call me doubtin Thomas, cause I swear that man can't be yer father!" 

The three women stopped in front of the illuminated castle, where Isabella's father sat waiting patiently for them to arrive. 

"Him? He don't look like no grisly ole' man to me Farley." 

Said Lilly as she dismounted. 

Isabella, slid off her horse, rather ungracefully due to the fact that she was peeved. 

When they had exited the city gates, not only were the guards gone, but the horses too! 

This just wasn't adding up. She knew her father had the gift of foresight, but this was ridiculous.  

"Look at you! Antonio, get over here and hug me ya old leech!" 

Farley and her father, hugged each other tightly, as if they were friends who hadn't seen each other in decades.  

"You look good man!" 

"As so you Farley! It's been so long!" 

"Not long enough! Where is that pretty wife o' yers?" 

"Ahhh, I sent her to bed. I didn't want to upset her anymore." 

"So she knows ya left the girl in the city?" 

"Well, yes." 

Farley, laughed and hugged her father again, kissing him on both cheeks. 

"A killer! You're a killer, hahaha!  

But besides that rubbish, these are a pair a good kids ya got here." 

"Thank you. But I seem to be missing one.." 

"Oh Lewis? He's ridin alongside the Captin" 


Her father said, raising an eyebrow, a sly smirk appearing on his face. 

"Ya know how Onyx is." 

"And who is this behind you? Hello Ms...?" 

Lily giggled and placed her hand in Antonio's. He smiled kissing it softly. 

"The name's Lily. Lily de Marquis, your grace." 

"Now stop that, stop that! I am no longer anyone but simple Antonio. Let us be friends." 

This begot more giggling. 

"So is the whole crew coming tonight?" 

"No. Just me, lily and the Captain. Say...where are the rest of the boys?" 

"Inside. Completely by themselves, I might add." 

A wicked smile crossed Farley's lips. 

"Come on lily, let's leave these two to their own devices." 

The two, practically skipped inside, leaving Isabella alone with her father. 

"Hello darling." 

Her father said, arms out stretched. 

"Father. I don't want this." 

"So you finally believe me?" 

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