Chapter 2

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Chapter two is here! Please tell me I I'm doing a good Job so far, and vote pls!!!


The Dominion walked the halls of the great castle, that stood on the cliff over looking the square of the building of judgement. His second walked beside him, stiffly facing forward, mouth taught with worry.

"My lord...please rethink this."

The Dominion shook his head.

"But this is a death sentence!"

"You worry too much. Loosen up a little."

At this the second stopped and the dominion followed suite. They stated at each other in silence.

The second was the first to speak.

"My lord...."

He started.

"My friend. I speak to you not as a second, but as a friend. Since you refuse to bring forth and heir, why won't you postpone this speech for a time? At least until you deem someone worthy of your seat."

The Dominion smiled, putting his hand on the man's shoulder.

"That I can not do. I will not lie to my people."

And with that he continued walking, the second right behind him; grim.

The Dominion refused to seat any of the three sons he had produced in the honorable chair. All of them were true to their species; snakes every single one.

He was distraught with this discovery, but all that changed when he stumbled upon a hidden room in the great library.

There he had read ancient texts that told the story of the beginning of the snake-men. There he had learned of the true Dominion; the true king; the eighth Vampire.

His quest for a rightful heir was over.

"This will come to no avail, the phantom you seek is just that; a phantasm of your dreams"

The second mumbled as he watched his master walk with his head held high.

The Dominion acted as if he hadn't heard him.

Faith, all that was needed was faith.

They reached the balcony, and the chilled air nipped their faces.

The Dominion was greeted by the anxious stares of his three sons who walked up to him and kissed him on both cheeks.

Not a regular occurrence.

Beside them was his wife Carmen, and, beside her, his daughter Isabella.

The latter smiled at him, while the former crossed herself.

The Dominion couldn't help but laugh a little to himself.

These two people, besides his subjects below him, we're the most important things in his life.

He walked up to the balcony and peered over the cold gray stone.

Immediately, the upturned faces roared with the sheer satisfaction of seeing their leader looking down upon them.

The Dominion sighed.

"Friends! Brothers, sisters, my fellow Snake men!"

The roaring grew louder, until the second raises his hands for science.

The Dominion continued to speak.

"A thousand years has passed, and we have made it this far. Not only have we survived, but we have prospered!"

More applause.

"Today is the day! I must seperate myself from this kingdom and give you an heir. But before I do this I must warn you of the coming times."

The Dominion was known for his amazing gift of foresight and well as his exceptional grasp for magic.

Just about everything he forsaw had happened in some way or another.

It was for this reason, that the crowd began to whisper warily amongst each other.

"I am going to die."

An explosion of sound erupted from the crowd. The Dominion himself had to silence them.

"It is inevitable, so do not dwell on it. After me this kingdom shall be taken and run by our enemies, the hunters!"

Boos and hisses filled the air.

"Yes the hunters! They will take my body and cut of my head and sit it on top of the gates that led you to this place. They will come like parasites and devour you, per mentally erasing the name snake-men, and ordain you Vampires!"

The crows screamed and yelled in protest. Then there was silence.

"It is my job to protect you. It will take a strong leader to bring this kingdom; this clan, back together. Therefore, none of the children who stand up here with me shall inherit my throne."

The crowd went wild with protest and the gasps of the boys behind the Dominion made his heart beat faster than ever before.

This time he didn't silence the crowd.

"the heir that I give you, is the true possessed of the throne. From this day forth I step down as Dominion, and place this ceremonial crown on the head of the fire-snake, the mother's corpse, the one the Humans call 'Dracula' he shall be ruler."

And with that the Dominion pulled the crown off his head and slammed it to the ground, at his feet. The jewel at the front cracked, looking like it was bleeding.

The Dominion, grasped the hand of his wife and walked briskly back into the halls of the castle. Followed by his children.

The second dismissed the horrified crowd. Following his master he coul hear them cry,

"fool, our king is a fool!"

"now the seat is open, who is brave enough to claim it?"

"He has given the throne to a ghost.

So it begins.


Author's note:

Haha!!! Yeah I went there. Please comment on any improvements and vote please. The romance is coming soon I promise.

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