Chapter 66

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Chapter 66


Trapped inside a cage and wounded, Isabella closed her eyes as she held onto the thick iron bars in pain.

If her brother, or any other person of her kind, were in her situation they would've broken the cage and escaped by now. But her lack of nourishment and blood loss was really taking a toll on her body.

The pirate that had brought her here, stared at her from a safe distance.

He would mumble something every now and again but it was in a foreign tongue.

"Hey! Do you speak English?"

A blank stare was his reply.

"Parli italiano? Francese?"

The man yawned and she rolled her eyes at her waste of effort.

She looked at her leg and saw the gunshot. The wound would not heal and it bled profusely. If she didn't do something quick she would die.

The man was staring at her again.

The white of her skin was exposed so that she could look at the wound and she could feel him looking at the tightness of the trousers around her thighs.

At once she had an idea and smiled at him. He was taken aback as he saw the white of her teeth. In fact, a lot of humans were taken aback when they saw her teeth. But that didn't matter. The man wasn't interested in her teeth.

With slow, mundane, movements she lifted her shirt to expose a stretch of her stomach.

She could hear him gulp as a thought crossed his mind.

"She wasn't wearing a corset..."

She signaled him to come over and he looked around, pointing to himself in disbelief.

She nodded and tried to mimic the stare Onyx gave men when she wanted something. Her leg hurt like hell but she gritted her teeth as her target slowly approached the cage.

"Vieni qui, non essere timido ..."

He was so close that she could see the keys around his neck. They were tucked inside his shirt and clanged when he walked.

She reached out to him and he knelt down so that their eyes stared into one another's. He placed a bristly cheek into the smooth of her palm and she pulled him towards her as if she were attempting to kiss him through the bars.

As he close his eyes and leaned towards her her other hand reached for the keys.

Just a bit further...

"Oi! Que você está fazendo?!"

Isabella sucked her teeth as she fell back into a seated position further inside the cage.

The man who was in charge of watching her snapped open his eyes and twirled his head to see his Captain walking in.


" Saia da minha frente!"

The man ran out, the door slammed shut behind him. The newly arrived behemoth turned to her, his face red with anger.

"Well aren't you resourceful."

She sneered at him rolling her eyes, thankful that her leg had begun to go numb.

"What is your name girl?"

"What is yours?"

The ridiculously large man pressed his teeth into his bottom lip frustrated.

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