Chapter 6

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And it is here, was far, now near! 

Have no fear cause super chapter 6 is here. Oh, and the reason I announce what chapter it is, even though it tells you, is because it helps me keep track of where I have left off. Enjoy my friends. Pls vote and Comment. 


The sun was blazing, and Isabella was glad she had exchanged her heavy dress for her brother's clothes. Those folds of fabric would have made it hard for her to ride the horse she was on now. 

Her brother trotted along side her, yawning.  

"Father.....where are we going?" 

She asked the man who was on the horse in front of her. 

"Into the city of course." 

"what?Do you know how dangerous that is right ?" 

"Ahh...don't worry Isabella. I won't be killed by any of the people there.I have something that I must check all." 

Isabella shrugged. She had made a promise to her father to believe and go along with anything he said, no matter how silly, so she bit her tongue. 

"Ooh I know, since you two are bored, why not have a race?" 

Isabella and her brother looked at each other smirking. 

"Really....Against you?" 

Her brother said. 

"Well if course Lewis. That is unless you are afraid your old father will kick your ass." 

Lewis looked at his sister and she at him. 

"Fine. Last one to reach the city gates walks home." 

"Wait that's not fair!" 

"Scared you'll lose Isabella?" 

Her father said, turning to smirk at her, his hazel eyes twinkling with mischief. He was doing this for some strange purpose. Well, shit.  

"Let's do this!" 

With a snap of the reins, their father took off. The black steed he rode created a large distance between him and his children. 

"That old cheater!" 

Lewis yelled out, his fist in the air. 

"Well I guess this race is between you and I, sister." 

Isabella smiled, coaxing her mare into a fast run. Her brother followed suite. 

He rode an ash grey steed, with sturdy legs and muscular haunches, that gave the horse the fluidity of water. Her brother was beating her, not just because he had an amazing horse, but because he was also an amazing rider.

When they were little, she had been closer to Lewis than to her other brothers, probably because he was the first and she was the youngest. 

She remembered when her father, newly crowned Dominion by her Grandfather, bought her the brown mare that she currently rode. 

Her father had told her that she would have to ride the beast. 

She wasn't going for that. 

She cried every-time they took her to the stables, it got to the point where her father had just given up. 

But then he got an idea. He sent her and Lewis to the stables, in hopes that he would coax Isabella into learning to ride.  

The man was right. 

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