Chapter 31

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Chapter 31 


Lewis slammed into the creature and it immediately grabbed him by the neck and tried to break it. 

"We shall kill you and your kind." 

It was a mutant, but it wasn't strong enough to kill him. 

He dug his fingers into the monster's flesh, ripping the skin from its hands. 

The ship lurched again and the cargo began to break loose and roll towards them. 

Barrels of all shapes and sized crashes into the two struggling bodies and Lewis could look down and see the sea churning below him. 

He grabbed the creature by its shoulders and hurtled both it and him into the crashing waves. 

La Noir, was about half swallowed in the ocean, and Lewis and the creature remained locked on to each other as they sank deeper and deeper into the water. 

The creature took the chance to sink its fangs into Lewis' neck and it latched on, refusing to let go before all his blood had drained. 

The creator being killed by the creation. Kind of reminds you of something doesn't it? 


"Move yer Arse Arsham! Hurry before the ship takes the boat with her!"

Farley, guided the fleeing crew members onto the tiny boat, and Isabella lagged behind.  


"He is fine. He's gonna be right here and waiting for ya, now get in the damn boat!" 

Isabella hopped onto the boat, just as a rising swell caused the ship to suddenly lurch to a somewhat vertical position. 

"Row you blasted bilge-rats! Row!"

The designated rowers began to move quickly and efficiently to their places and the boat began to move, but the small dinghy was so close to La Noir, that she was being sucked into the swirling whirl pool at La Noir's base. 

Again, the ship lurched forward and Isabella heard something snap. 

She looked up to see huge wooden barrels, break free and rain down upon them like rocks. 


"I know! Move damn it!" 

Farley pushed Arsham-who had insisted on rowing, despite his hand-out of the way. She grabbed the oars and began to heave them back in forth in a steady rotational motion. 

Somehow she was able to avoid the falling barrels. Well, that and a bit if sharp shooting from some of the mates. 

She turned to look at the sinking ship and saw her brother falling head first into the water. He was entangled with a grotesque looking thing with a missing jaw. 

She gasped as she saw them hit the water hard and thrash about together until the creature sunk its top row of teeth directly into Lewis' neck. 

Then he rise no more.

That was it damn it. 

Isabella whipped back around and stared at Farley who had a, Don't-you-even-think- bout-doing-what-I-Think, look. 

Isabella snatched the sword that was attached to the hip of the mate sitting nearest her and ripped the fold of her dress until she stood there in the tattered shreds and her undergarments. Without further adieu, she held the sword with her teeth and dove below the surface.

It took a while for her eyes to adjust to the water, but she could see her brother and the creature sinking, with a dark, black, pool of blood floating about them. 

She had to get to him before the sharks came.

She swam towards them and the creature spotted her. It released Lewis and with reptilian finesse slinked over to where she was, upper teeth barred.

She grimaced and stabbed at it with we sword. 

The blade went in and out like it was cutting butter, but the thing didn't seem to care. 

It slashed at her, clawing the skin off of her arm. 

It grabbed onto her leg and she panicked. She thrust her sword into the creature's eye, but it didn't release her. Instead it tightened its grip, threatening to break her leg.

Damn it. No sword, weak body, and unconscious Lewis. Things couldn't get much worse. 

Then came the sharks.

Her body was vulnerable, and by the looks of it Lewis was too. If they were to be caught up in a feeding frenzy, who knows what could happen.

They came in the dozens, out of nowhere, smelling the tainted blood of a snake man. 

Their blank eyes seemed to scream for meat. 

Isabella couldn't help but think that this was the end. 

But, suddenly the sharks attacked the monster, forcing it to let her go.

What had once been human was now being torn apart by sharks right before her very eyes. 

One shark swam slowly up to her, circling around her for a few times, unilateral she noticed that the was something branded in its rough skin. 

It was a trident. 

The sharks swam away, continuing the frenzy somewhere else. 

The creature was dead and she swam over to Lewis and grabbed him by the collar, dragging him up with her. The ship beside them continued we downward fall and threatened to pull them down with her.  

But they broke the surface and she breathed in the fresh air pulling Lewis up with her. 

Other than cough up a few gulps of water he didn't move and she grimaced at the flesh that was missing from his neck. 

"Isabel? God dammit, where are ya you slippery blood sucker?!"

Farley was screaming out to her, positively raving. 

"My name is Isabella!" 

She was able to scream out a huge smile on her face. 

Farley, whipped her head around and rolled her eyes. 

"I swear! This is the last time I ever go anywhere with you!" 

She and the others rowed the boat towards them and they helped both her and Lewis into the boat. Farley, looked at Lewis and sucked her teeth. Then she took a look at the disappearing ship that was now surrounded by shark fins. She sucked her teeth again.  

"The Captain's gonna have a fit about this." 


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