Chapter 7

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Viva chapter 7! The Big KC is back and ready for action. Please excuse grammar and spelling mistakes. This will be edited at a later date for all chapters, according to the convenience of the author. Enjoy. Comment, vote, and share with your buddies. I am open to criticism.


"Well...This is amazing."

All around them people were dancing in the streets. Some wore mixtures of green, some wore mixtures of yellow or blue; the colors were a never ending spectrum.

What all these people had in common, was the painted slash across their hearts.

Whether it was blood or paint, was not evident because of the multitude.

Lewis flagged a nearby human child, who skipped gaily towards them.


The youth asked, smiling with painted cheeks.

"What is going on here, miss...?"

The girl chuckled, smiling at Lewis and completely ignoring Isabella.

Isabella could care less.

"Adriana. It is the festival of the bleeding General."

"What exactly does that mean?"

"Well, it's really just superstition. They say that a long time ago, there was a General here that led a great army of monsters. He was so great that he was named The bloody tyrant, by his soldiers. However, one day he met a beautiful woman who was selling chickens on the side of the road. It is said that he was so enraptured by her beauty that he abducted her then and there."

"How brutal. Poor girl."

Isabella said shaking her head in disgust.

" We are getting to the best part. "

The girls said, again smiling at Lewis, who was so entranced by the story that he didn't notice.

"Anyway, he took her off to his castle and locked her in his chambers. She lived a Lonely life, with only her chickens for comfort.

Every time, The Bloody Tyrant went to lay with her, she would put him off and go tend to her chickens. He had them slaughtered on the spot.

The poor girl was so distraught by the sight of this catastrophe that she tried to kill herself in a tree, outside in the courtyard."

"Did she succeed?"

"No. One of the king's monster underlings saw her flee from the Tyrant's chambers and decided to follow her. Before the rope could break her neck, the solider cut the rope with his sword.

The girl thrashed in his arms, and then she turned to stare at him in the face."

"I bet he was ugly..."

"Hush Isabella!"

"Sorry! Dio, accidenti!"

"Well actually, no he wasn't. You see although the knowledge of the monsters existed, no one knew what one looked like. This, one was actually very handsome, and looked very much like a human. The two fell in love immediately. They proceeded to have a grand affair, that the Tyrant eventually caught wind of. The Bloody Tyrant caught them in the act of love making, and ordered that the Soldier be put on trial for treason."


"Treason. The solider didn't stand a chance. He was executed by the sword of the tyrant himself, who cut out his heart and had the cook prepare it for dinner."

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