Chapter 30

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Chapter 30 


Isabella climbed into the small boat and held on to the edges as she, Farley, Arsham, Babylon, and a few unknowns from the Nebuchadnezzar, were lowered into the water.


"It's Isabella." 

"That's what I said." 

Isabella rolled her eyes. 

"Yes, Farley?" 

"What exactly is wrong with ya?" 

Isabella was taken aback and she looked at Farley confused. 

"Why would you ask that?" 

"Because, back there on the ship....ya just sat there and let the Reaper man have his way with ya. Didn't do a bloomin thing."

Isabella shrugged. 

"There was nothing I could do." 

Farley scoffed and rested her head on her chin. 

"Bull. Ya could've at least broke his hand or somethin. I bet if that brother of yours was in that situation he'd have killed him on the spot. Probably break his neck or somethin." 

Isabella cringed a little, but Farley was not backing down. She knew she's have to tell someone sooner or later, but she never thought it would be loudmouth Farley.

"I'm different." 

"Different how?" 

"I...I can't drink blood." 

Farley just stared at her...and the rest of them on the boat stared at her too. 

It only took two seconds for them to all bust out in laughter. 

"Seriously?"Arsham asked. 


And the laughter ensued again. 

"I've never heard of a leech who can't drink blood." 

"Well I can't. It's hard to keep it down." 

"So that's why you're so damn weak." 

Isabella just shrugged and stared at the upcoming ship. 

That's when the smell hit her. 

It was rank and heavy, and hung about the air as thick as smoke. 

She covered her nose in disgust. 

"What is that smell?" 

"What smell?" 

"It smells like...death." 

The small boat approached the ship and the smell only got stronger. 

"Lewis? Are you alright?" 

She yelled out as Farley aided her up the ladder that was built into the side of the ship. 

There was no answer at first, but as she peeked over the side of the ship and looked out onto the deck, she gasped. 

There was blood and carnage everywhere. A man was pressing his back up against the door of the Captain's Quarters, looking absolutely exhausted. 

Isabella and her companions immediately came upon him and Arsham held him at gun point. 

"Who are you? Where is my brother?" 

The man glared at her and smacked the gun away from his face. 

"Please. If you think you can scare me you have another thing coming. The leech is around here somewhere. He told me to stay here and keep this door blocked."

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