Chapter 71

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Chapter 71


Isabella stared up at the golem in wonder.

“What are you?”

The Tree raised an eyebrow and squinted at her. “Well obviously I am a tree, but I don’t blame you for asking.  What is your name child?”



He snapped his fingers and a pair of glasses appeared in his hand. He placed it on the bridge of his nose (which was a protruding bough) and with new sight he stared down at Isabella and laughed.

“Well if it isn’t little Isabella, how did you manage to get down here?”

“You know who I am?”

“Of course I know who you are. I know who all of you are.”

He named every single person in the room and he even knew their reason for being here.

“Nathaniel, you old bastard, how have you been?”

They all looked at Nathaniel and he shrugged smiling.

“What? You’re gonna act like you don’t know me now? Who’s the one who taught you how to turn people into saplings eh? Good times…”

“You know the tree Vane?”

Onyx crossed her arms in question and Nathaniel sighed.

“Yeah, his name is Fern.”

“I thought only Dominions could activate the tree.”

Fern nodded, “True, but it’s not that specific. When a Dominion fails to produce an heir it is up to me to choose someone to take the throne. In this case Young Drake here, I think its obvious how I feel.”

“But what about Nathaniel?”

Isabella asked. Nathaniel looked up at Fern with a pained expression and the latter gasped.

“You haven’t told them?”

Nathaniel shook his head and everybody looked at him in confusion.

“What the heck is going on?”

Fern cleared his throat and told everybody to sit down. They all sat on the floor with Drake and Isabella sitting closest to the tree.

“I might make the final decisions but, as I said before, it’s not all the time. I only awaken when the throne of the Snake Kingdom has been left vacant and a Potential Dominion comes to seek my guidance.”

“But Leonardo-“

“Leonardo is a case for The Fates he has nothing to do with me. However, in Nathaniel’s case he had the chance to become the Dominion but he turned it down. It turned out to be a real mess.”


Nathaniel was bombarded with questions and he was saved by Carmen who held up her hand.

“How the hell are we supposed to learn something if you keep interrupting the tree?  Continue your story Signor Fern.”

“Why thank you Madame Dominion. Anyway, there was a whole mess involving some woman and Nathaniel ended up getting himself banished by his brother.”

“Who’s his brother?”

“Vincent Vittore (The Dominion at the time).”

The two siblings exchanged looks and Lewis looked at Nathaniel in shock.

“That’s our grandfather’s name.”

Fern suddenly burst out in a loud guffaw. His deep voice shook the leaves on his branches and some rained down onto the ground below.

“Vincent? You’re grandfather? Impossible!”

“Impossible? But he’s our Father’s Father.”

“I seriously doubt he’d father anything. Vince couldn’t have kids.”

“What does this mean? Who is our grandfather?”

Struggling with his joy, Fern barely managed to say,

“You’re looking at him!”

The siblings stared at the oaken creature in amazement. They looked to Nathaniel who was staring at his fingertips.

“You’re our grandfather?!”



Salazar stared down at the black coffin that held what remained of his former friend. He sighed heavily. There was a loud pounding noise on the thick wooden door behind him and he turned to see it burst open and one of his comrades breathing heavily in the opening.

“What’s wrong?”

“Sir, it’s Steven!”

“He shouldn’t be back yet.”

“He’s with a pirate!”

Salazar raised an eyebrow and nodded.

“Let them in.”

Not moments later his silent vigil was interrupted by more noise and agitation. The door opened again and he turned to see a particularly large man holding his son and his underling by the neck of their shirts.


“I’m sorry father.”

“Hey, yer the one they call Salazar right?”

“Sí, and if i had to guess I’d say you are Carnage.”

“Aye, I have some business with you.”

“You’d have to put my men down first.”

Carnage hesitated, and then released Steven and Pete.

“Good man. Steven?”

“Y-yes sir?”

“Get everybody out of here.”

“But father-“


Steven did as he was told and in a manner of minutes the room was emptied of Hunters.

Salazar returned to his spot before the coffin and stared down at it. Without looking up he said,

“What do you want Carnage?”

“I want my Captain back.”


“Listen you, give me back the Reaper or I’ll-“

Carnage gritted his teeth in anger and lunged for the much older man. As he reached for Salazar’s throat, something suddenly slammed into the center of his chest, sending him reeling backwards and onto the hard stone floor. Carnage groaned and opened his eyes to see something large looking down at him. As his eyes focused he found himself staring up into the icy blue eyes of a beast. It stood on its hind legs and muscles bulged out from beneath grey fur and rows of white, sharp teeth barred down on him, daring him to move.

“As I said, Impossible.”

Carnage stared up at the creature in horror and with fear stuck in his throat he whispered,

“Johnathan? “

All he received in reply was a growl and the creature slowly backed away from him, snarling as he faded into the shadows of the room. Carnage stood to find Salazar staring at him.

“The man you know as Johnathan is gone.”

“What have you done?”

“I’ve created something amazing.”

Salazar smiled and he extended an arm to the door.

“Come. I’ll show you.”

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