Chapter 35

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Chapter 35

This is a milestone for me. 35 chapters. I am so happy. Thanks for the reads and the comments, and a big shout out to my bud Amorality's, and his knock out book, "Elementals."

Picture a world where the darkness has come, and beasts who shall not be named threaten to end this world.

What if you had the power to save it?

Join the cast of Elementals as they discover their powers, their fate and their loves.

Now...since the advertisement is over, please continue.


The nightmares began, almost as suddenly as she closed her eyes.

She was back in France, having left the acurséd Reaper ship for the first time.

She looked just like her mother, except her mother had fairer skin. So in that case she guesses she looked more like her father, and she was wearing one of her mothers dresses.

She was utterly uncomfortable as the French women gawked at the way she fit her dress.

Alright, maybe it just wasn't the women looking.

She had no idea where she was, but she had the feeling that she was being followed.

She thought to herself, "I have to hurry. I have to get away?"

But from what?

It was here, always here, that the dream turned ugly.

Suddenly the people around her morphed into horrid beast like creatures with long nails and fang that jutted out to glisten in the light.

She would run then, and hear the footsteps as they chased her through the streets.


She could here somebody scream.

"Run faster! Hurry!"

She turned to see the creatures running after her, telling her to hurry and run to someplace safe.

They weren't chasing. They were escaping.

She wondered what could it be that would frighten such horrid monsters such as them.

Then she saw it.

A looming figure in a black cloak.

It had to have stood about 10 feet tall, with hands as white as silk and eyes as blue as the sea.

It held in its hand a giant blade, curved at the end and dripping with blood that screamed out to her!

"Run! Hurry!"

She did just that."

And took off. Piece by piece her dress was torn away by monster pus hands that grabbed out of nowhere. It was replaced by a Man's shirt, a Man's trousers and boots.

And the road became harder and wider and wooden.

She was running on the deck of a ship, and the monster continued to chase her, calling out her name in a soft and silky voice as it sliced through the air.

All around the sea tossed and turned and rain poured down upon her terrified face.

Then she was lifted off her feet by a skeletal hand that dug into her flesh and threatened to squeeze the life out of her.

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