Chapter 10

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Who, what, when? Oh, it's only chapter 10.

We've made it to chapter 10. Please comment and tell me if I'm doin a good job. Because I'd hate to waste my time on crap. Anyways, vote and check out my new story "Escaped"

No vamps in that one.



An Eerie singing could be heard on the sleeping wind that night.

"Three scores and ten this would be the end of plots.

The fall of unnecessary events, otherwise forgot.

How ever, we continue to stew on the grandness of stages better left Un swept.

That way the lies of the old could remain bitter; unkept.

A pirate, Demons of blood and the most horrible monster of all.


The man has cause to grieve, as does his lord the newly named Vampire.

For when one species raise hands higher

The other's hands must fall.

There we shall see the distraction of all.

Let this dream be not deferred, find the 8th piece, who's heart is like the dust of the earth; trodden on.

Find him love, for after death is love and after love is death.

says the singing wind of the Living breath."

Isabella awoke with a start.

She was in her room, sheets thrown about, blinking at the light that entered her otherwise dark room.

The window was wide open and the wind whistles sleepily in.

She got up and looked out of it.

Outside, in the fields of her father's land, the wind whipped through the shrubs and bushes dancing as it sang her name.

"Isa---Bella! Queen of the time to come. Love is here! But what is left?

The pre-ascending doom of Death!"

Then it laughed whistling in her ears.

"Death, death, death! Says the singing wind of the Living breath."

Isabella slammed the window shut, and crawled back into bed.

Tomorrow she would leave for the new world.



As you can see, I was lazily writing his.

But this was basically, a prophecy of the prophecy.

I'm srry I've been reading Macbeth and its been getting to me.

Those darn witches.

"Fair is foul and foul is fair, hover through the fog and filthy air!"

"to see Macbeth!"

anyway look out for chapter 11.

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