Chapter 27

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Chapter 27 

Quick note: I seriously just realized that I used the name Alexandria twice for this book and Death Became Her. That's my bad. But it's too late to change it now. Oh well, please continue reading. 


Behind You!  

It was as if a voice screamed inside his head. Completely ignoring Arsham, he spun around with his sword held high to protect his head.

His gaze met with the heated glare of Onyx as she slammed down her sword on top of his. The shear magnitude of the hammering force nearly forced him to his knees. 

She didn't give him any chance to recover however, for in a manner of seconds she twister led her body around to aim for his side. But this move was a bit sloppy due, to the wound in her thigh and he could easily bock it.

This was the way they battled. Quick and hard, quick and hard. One could say that the whole basis of their relationship was run on this process of quick and hard. Well , probably not the quick part. 

"You slimy son of a b**ch!" 

Her sword crashed down upon his again and the colliding metal seemed to sing as the iron swished through the air.  

"I can't believe you shot me, and with my own gun at that!" 

He laughed at her furious expressionless. 

"Well I wasn't going to waste any of my bullets ." 

Her eyes burned with her rage, and he moved too slow. Her sword cut deep into his shoulder and he grimaced. 

"So your going to kill me now? What makes you think that you can?" 

Again he was too slow, and the tip of her sword grazed his cheeks. He could almost hear the sword laugh as it swept past him. 

By this time the surrounding battle had ceased. It was obvious that the winner of the vessel would be the winning captain. 

Both sides stared heatedly as the Reaper and Onyx almost seemed to dance about the ship, thrusting at and dodging one another. 

He had never liked to play fair, especially with Onyx who had a high sense of morality.  

So, in an effort to abuse her weakness, he gave her a good hard kick in the back of the knee. Which, in her current state, she was too slow to avoid. 

She landed with a hard thud to the deck of the Scythe. He loomed over her as she tried to get up and he kicked her again in her side. 

"You forget that I'm a dirty, rotten, cheater, and I still have your gun." 

With that he whipped out the pistol and shot her in the chest. 

Her body went still and the crowd on the ship was silent. The crew du Noir were all shocked and wondered if she was actually dead or if this was just a dream. 

The reaper turned to them smiling. 

"I guess I won." 

If only it were a dream. 


Away from the Reaper ship, on the  

other side of the island, was the ship La Noir. Her lavender sails were furled and she groaned as every wave that passed pushed against her loosened boards. 

Yes, she had been sabotaged. However, it had been done by a master manipulator and water was slowly breaching her haul. It was obvious that it would sink, but the time it took to do just that depended on how many people walked across the boards. 

Anyway, this was the current dilemma that Lewis was facing as he sat looking down at the loosened boards. He wondered how he could get across without, breaking loose and furthering the demise of La Noir. 

Next to him sat the saboteur, tied up and highly upset. 

"I don't know why you just won't leave. There is no way to save this ship." 

Lewis turned to look at him and shrugged. 

"You never know." 

"Why do you even care of the ship sinks or not? It's not like you will die if you fall into the being what you are and such." 

Lewis shrugged again. He knew that fact of course. He couldn't drown but his captive could, and he needed to keep him alive in order to question him. The hunters were a tightly knit organization and it was plausible that this one knew something about the eighth. 


Lewis ignored him as he watched the water seep into the ship. 



"Why didn't you kill me like you did the others." 

"Isn't it obvious?" 

"You gonna eat me or something?" 

"I don't eat garbage." 

"Then why?" 

"What do you know about the 8th?" 


"Then why are you here?" 

"I'm not telling you that!" 

Lewis sighed,  

"I guess I'll just get it from you later." 

"If there is a later....." 

The hunter mumbled the last part, but Lewis heard him and swiveled around to face him directly. 

"Why do you say that?" 

"No reason." 

Without further hesitation Lewis punched the hunter directly in the face.  

It was quick and sudden, and a slight pop could be heard as the hunters nose broke. 

He gasped at the sudden pain and looked up at Lewis who stared blankly at him, waiting for the correct answer. 

"This is how you expect to get me to talk?!" 

Again Lewis answered with a sucker-punch to the nose. 

The hunter cried out as tears filled his eyes and blood ran down from his nostrils. 

Lewis prepared to hit him again, when the hunter cringed and begged him to stop. 

"Wait! I'll tell you! You know all those bodies above deck?" 

Lewis nodded. 

"We anticipated that maybe you and your sister would get the best of us in some way so we set another trap should anyone try to get on this ship." 

"What is the trap?" 

"Come on..." 

Lewis drew his hand back to punch the guy again, and the hunter rolled his eyes. 

"Alright, Alright! All of the hunters that you killed will return and fulfill their duties as if they were alive."

So, the hunter found a way to manipulate the dead. 

"How is this possible?" 

"I don't know...." 

He saw the change of expression in Lewis' face and quickly added, 

"Honest to God, I don't know anything else! We are only the foot soldiers, we aren't told much!" 

"Final question. Why are the hunters so keen on sinking this particular ship?"

"It's because of the Captain. You know the woman? She is becoming increasingly interesting to the higher ups and they want to capture her. Therefore, it would be easier for us to track a ship, that didn't fly about the goddamn world like a bird."

At that precise moment, some one let out an ear piercing scream. 

The hunter and Lewis stared at each other and the hunter shrugged. 

"Make your move leech."

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