chapter 5

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Diana's (POV)

I have been searching for ishita all over and there I saw her sitting on the couches in front of me.
I walked towards her and took a seat next to her, she immediately said "The party is over, we should get going."
I gave her an understanding smile and we both headed to the exit.

Suddenly Louis and Niall poped in front of us.

"Where on earth are you going?" they asked us in a cartoonic manner.

"Back to the hotel." I responded with a chuckle.

"Ashley told you about the meet and greet right?" Niall asked.

Me and ishita looked at each other."How could we forget this?"
I slowly whispered.

The lads were waiting for the answer and I decided to answer.

I replied "Ohh Yeah, we are sorry we just forgot it."
"its okay young ladies shall we go now?" Louis chuckled.

Niall then intertwined his fingers with ishita's.

I just stood there staring at him as he was all red and ishita was blushing.

Few minutes later Harry came and pulled me with him to his car.

I asked him "Why are we not going with them?"

He said "There's no place."

"Oh okay." i said and gave him a smile before entering his car.

There was silence in the car.
After ten minutes of awkward silence I decided to break the silence.

Without even thinking i said "You look good today."


I'm not supposed to say that. He is the one who should say it.

He suddenly stopped his car and turned to see me.

OH shit what did I say?

He leaned in close to me staring in my eyes.

"You are the most beautiful person god has ever made." He said.

I blushed.
My cheeks turned red. I couldn't stop repeating the moment in my mind that we just had.

"Oh you look so cute when you blush." He teased


I slapped his arm playfully and told him to start driving.

He started his car and we reached in some fifteen minutes.

The boys already were there before us. We went in and knocked at the door.

Louis opened the door and greeted us with a bone crushing hug.
"hey." He said with a smile.

"Hey Louis."Harry said.

"Why are you so late, you headed before us right?" Louis asked smirking.

I put my head down and walked past them.

Harry made up an excuse saying. "We were coming from the other route, so there was traffic."

"Oh I see."Louis said smirking.

This boy knows everything.

"Now come in and make your self feel like home, young lady." Louis said

"Don't call me young lady, you can call me Diana." I said while we sat on the sofa.

Louis then said "Diana is a nice name."

"Thank you Louis." I said.

"You can call him boo bear " Liam said chuckling.

I laughed and said "boo boo boobear."

We all were seated, staring at each other. AWKWARD.

I noticed that ishita was nowhere to be seen.

I asked Harry who was busy sniffing through his phone "Where are ishita and Niall?"

"They went on a walk, just before we came." Harry said.

"Ohh." I replied.

I was bored, all boys were busy in their phone's and I sat admiring Harry.

Why was I so attracted by him?

After some minutes we heard the door bell ring.

"I ll get it." Liam said and opened the door.

Niall and Ishita entered.

Ishita came by my side immediately.

"Where were you?" I asked.

"Just went for a walk" she replied.

"Oh you and Niall seem to hit off huh?" I asked in a low voice.

She blushed and turned her gaze to Niall.

Harry stood up and went in the kitchen. After waiting for some more time, Harry called me from the kitchen.
"Diana can you please come here."

I went to the kitchen and asked
"What happened?"

"Nothing much i-uh i-wan-wanted to ask if you would come for a coffee with me tomorrow?" He stuttered nervously.

"Sure why not." I said with a big smile.
I wanted to jump and dance but control.

"Great then I will pick you up at three? Is that okay?" Harry asked.
"Yeah." I replied.

"Mr.styles." I said. Smirking I may add.
"Yeah" He replied.
"Is it a date?" I asked with my cheeks red.
"Uhhmm, yeah kind off." He said and went in the living room were all Lads and ishita were sitting.

But why was I getting butterflies in my stomach, it isn't such a big thing its just a coffee right?

"Diana what are you doing here." Louis asked entering the kitchen

"Uhmm nothing. " I replied and went to the living room..

The night went out well we talked about each other, we all got to know more about each other.
It was midnight so we decided to leave.

"Byee." We said and headed to the door.

Harry called me when I was opening the cars door.

He leaned close to me and said "Be ready tomorrow, Diana." In his beautiful raspy voice.

I smiled and nodded and we leaved.

Soon we reached our hotel room.
It was a really tiring day, but it was beautiful too. I felt my eyes getting heavy.
And just falled back to sleep.

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