chapter 71

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Harry's (POV)


"Diana where are you?"

Where is she we are here in the park for spending some time together and she got lost?


Ahh there she is with-.


Why is jai with her?

Why are they holding hands.

"Harry I wanted to tell you something"

Why is she acting like this why is she still standing with him

Come here Diana..

"Yes babe say" I said while pulling her towards me but she stopped me


"Harry..I. We I mean it's not working"

No no don't say it I don't want that to happen


"Harry listen to me I ..uh I like him,jai and me are together"

"But i lo-"


What the hell was that?

It was such an horrible dream
It will never be true right?

Yes Harry nothing can happen calm down..

"Harry wake up" mom's voice

Wait what? Mom here? But she must be at the hospital right now.

"MOM!" I yelled

"What happened harry? She is at the hospital" Gemma said while she came in

"But i heard her voice"

"No Harry she is not there here you must be dreaming"

Was i?
I think yes..

"Uh okay"

"Soo how are you feeling?"

"Better" I flashed a smile

"We haven't met since 1 month Harry.." She said while she looked down at her boots

"I know..I'm so sorry for that gem" I said while nudging her arm..

"Don't say sorry Harold" she teased she knows I don't like anyone calling me Harold..

"What did you just say?" I asked while I glared at her

"Uh nothing" she said poking her tongue out

Liam came inside and helped me go get on my wheel chair

"How long I have to use the annoying thing I want to walk!" I hissed while punching my wheel chair.

"Soon Harry in 10 days may be have some patience"

"Okay okay" I sighed and sat back

Diana's (POV)

I woke up due to my phone ringing..

Who is it calling me at 8 in the morning?



Hie sweetheart

Who are you?

Aww sweetie you will know it soon

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